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art my hummira on pintrest, and do not ask me why its a she in the art. I can't find a boy egypt

That day, Capital was practically bouncing off the walls, reciting everything needed and every beware rule and everything that genuinely made CN more and more anxious about this. Was this the right choice? Maybe she should just stay home and let capital go. On the first hand, she couldn't let anything happen to Capital. On the second hand, she couldn't let anything happen to herself, but on the third hand, she was just anxious that she would make a fool of herself. If any, any of those happened, she might literally die. 

"You don't want to go? Well, I'm not letting you not go. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and we are going."

"Nonsense, we can go to egypt anytime, anytime, not with the entire class. It is not an once in a lifetime opportunity."

"Well, yes but this time we go free, so we have to go." Capital declared passionately.

That did, in fact, make sense. And CN was all for getting free things, so she was dragged on this trip she felt less and less excited about. 

They were staying overnight, so Capital had packed a heck load of things in her bag. "Clothes,  books, a flashlight, money, my phone, my cup, toothpaste, toothbrush, skincare set, exfoliating pads, hairbrush, soap, and also a lucky charm so I don't die." she listed. CN grabbed her toothbrush and stuffed it in her pocket.

----------------------------------------------------- time skippyy

They jumped off the bus and into the overly warm, dry sand of the great egyptian dessert.

CN personally found it annoying, the sand sinking under her shoes and leaking into her socks, but Capital and a bunch of other countries oohed and ahhhed like they haven't seen sand before. 

And so they walked forth, to the great pyramid of egypt. 

Egypt himself was eagerly explaining the history behind it, but CN was just staring at the pure immensity of this thing, like she was actually a bit glad she was dragged on this free trip. How did they get the stones to all the way up there? Man it must have taken forever to build right? Would I have made this for the Pharaoh, spending all my time, energy and maybe even my life on this giant triangle? Maybe not, well, I guess I wouldn't make a very good slave then! Hehe.

Egypt had probably answered some of her questions, but if he had, CN hadn't heard him. But when she did snap back to attention, she heard something very important....

"It is said, that in the heart of the pyramid, is the portal, to the underworld!" egypt flung his hands on his head to make them look like horns or like a creature from the underworld, but what came out looked more like a rabbit tryna be scary. "Of course," he said, putting his hands back down, "there is no such thing as the underworld, and even if there were, well, I guess the king's soul would have to fly through the rocks to it, because there is no passage to the center, not even the tomb is in the center."

author note: alright, I know that different pyramids have different placements for the tomb but like in this story its not in the middle so yar

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