love at first sight..... ok not really

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um btw this is NOT ART 👆this is just a random photo in my camera roll

Hello guys, my name is CN. And yea, it's kinda weird to be talking to people I cant even see.

I try to stay away, away from the bustle and busy of other countries. You know, it's hard to socialize. I let my capital do all the finance and trading and talking while I run the actually important things. By that I mean wars.

There are always wars, civil ones (which aren't civil at all), international ones, and even world wars. Of course, I am too young to experience the last two. The first, I experienced wayyyy too much.

Anyways, enough about the past.

"A squared plus B squared equals Z squared, thus, we can use that to calculate the mass of the sun." Wait, was that really what NATO was saying?! I don't really know, I should study more. Hmm, France looks smart and focused, well she always is, looking smart and clean, haha 😛. I should be like her, I can't focus, why is the teacher going so fast? O wait, notes, I need to copy that.... um, squared i guess..... WAIT HES ERASING THE BOARD ALREADY WAITT UPP!

Ugh, didn't get anything, hope science is better. Alright, potatosium, plus, uhhh, h3o in other words water? Wait that doesn't look right. Anyways what happens when you put them together? WAIT, I DIDN'T GET IT AGAIN! Ugh, think I'll just test it out and find out.

Ok, so far officially, the new school year has been horrible. I wish I can just sit back, and forget all this, and the fact I have homework on the first day, like, WHO DA HAIL GIVES HOMEWORK ON THE FIRST DAY!? I need lunch break to chill.

—————~lunch time

"Ugh, I don't get it. Why do people like talk so much and like socialize so much. I don't find what's so appealing." I rolled my eyes and stared at the other countries, existing, and like, talking, and like existing, and like talking. Did I mention existing? All of those, times a thousand. They were way too noisy for my liking. "Well, if you've ever tried it, it's actually pretty fun. You should talk more, more than me just doing everything y'know?" Capital was pretty annoying sometimes.

I don't like other countries, and that runs far more than being noisy. Like, they were so smug, and cool and like 'oh I'm so powerful and cool and annoying just because I'm bigger than you'. CN couldn't stand them. Especially that American, bossing round that ugly ass NATO shirt like, like, like WHAT WAS SO NICE ABOUT THAT SHIRT YOU HAVE TO WEAR IT PRACTICALLY EVERYWHERE!? France was nicer, she didn't really talk to me in classes that much, but I don't blame her. I wouldn't talk to myself either. Britain was the definition of evil. Just as bad as his god damned son. I mean, who even has a son when their partner is still in high school?! That's just cursed. "Who you starin at?" Capital asked, "go join the kool kids if you wanna, I'm not stopping you. Besides, it's the first day of this year, and it's the last year, don't you wanna start over and make friends?" "No, just tired, like always." I sighed. I really do sigh a lot know that I've noticed. 

CN gazed around the courtyard, bored out of her mind. Lunch was less lunch and more running around and existing, come to think of it. CN was about to pack up and make another remark about how it was another boring day, until... She looked around for once last time, and this time, she locked eyes with another person....

 try to guess who it is okay?

His face was red and blue and white, not in that order, but he wore a hat that draped over his ears and he looked concerned. He wasn't yelling around like the other annoying people, but instead he sat in a corner as well, looking around anxiously. CN noticed him staring at her too, and quickly looked away. CN wondered why she hadn't noticed him before, maybe they were in different classes.

"What was that about?" Capital asked, also packing up. "N,nothing, just, the sun in my eyes." I stumbled. "Alright then, if you're certain you don't wanna talk to anyone, let's head to class now." Capital flung her bag on her back and headed to the stairs.

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