a buncha stuff that happened next

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there were still a few days until the field trip, and everyone seemed to be more and more excited. 

I have decided here i should add in some povs from other characters as it would be pretty boring if it was just CN talking all the time. also this is really long bc its also used to add lore and make it more interesting so be prepared for a long reading.

Russia pov :

man oh man. could we believe this, wow. we were going on a field trip. russia felt a bit childish to still be feeling this excited about a field trip, but in the quicksand of tests, exams and homework, it was rare to have something to break the pace and relax. Even, if its to a boring place like egypt.

It was lunch time, the only time he got to see CN. It was a bit weird that he was already dating again, since he'd just recently dumped america. On the other hand, america had started dating japan, so it would be perfectly normal for russia to date CN. Ok, it wasn't really dating, considering all the communication between them was literally 5 sentences and eye contact across the courtyard. 

CN, was in the corner. sigh, she always sat there. Well, to be fair, no one else sat there, even on days where CN didn't eat lunch. It was like, everyone automatically excluded the corner seats from their choice of seating because it was hard for someone to notice them there. 

Capital was a bit of an opposite of CN, come to think of it. She certainly didn't have a problem with talking, proven the face off with japan just a few days ago. Russia had been in the curious crowd, watching. It was so hilarious when america had to bustle through the crowd to get the two to settle down. It was even more hilarious when Capital had yelled "Have a great day! you totally weren't about to set me on fire!". That day, Russia had noticed that america had been deliberately trying to hide japan from attention. 

"Hey." he said when he sat down next to CN. Sandwiches again? Doesn't she know how to make any other food? I could have sworn a few years ago she ate like everyone else, and acted like everyone else. Why is she all of a sudden so quiet? 

"So you do love this spot eh?" he asked, just to see why she always sat here. "Yeah, its, um, quiet." CN replied. Apparently, CN loved everything quiet. Maybe she would love russia even more if he was quieter. 

"Can, can I ask what happened to your eyes? I mean, not to be rude, just curious. I'm sorry if it is and you don't have to answer that if you don't wanna." russia hurried quickly, just to break the tension and make capital stop staring at him. "Oh, uh, its fine, I guess." CN's face didn't look fine but she kept speaking anyways. "It, I was born with it. I, don't know why or how or what it means, I just guess..........it's like some kind of genetics? I mean, my mother had normal eyes, so I don't know why I do." she looked sick when she mentioned her mother. "Oh, ok."

They kept eating in silence for a while, and russia wondered why she looked so anxious when she mentioned her mother. There has to be more to the story. I never see her mother around, so maybe she was killed. I mean, some countries kill their former, but some don't. But if she did kill her mother or father, shouldn't she be triumphant when someone speaks of her? I don't understand. I'll have to look into that. Anyways, if I didn't mention her mother maybe she will like me more as well. 


japan pov:

Ugh, I hate all these people. Not america, he's perfect. Perfect in every angle, so handsome, and thats why I love him. Of course, he's not like CN or russia, so ugly and weird looking, like who in their right mind would ever date them?  Ugh, and that Capital. HOW DARE SHE SPEAK UP TO ME!! Maybe I should rip her notebook, or I should put ants in her bag, or I shoul- "JAPAN, where are you! I've been looking for you everywhere! Oh, oh there you are. Hey, lets go, we have class soon." 

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