the announcement

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"attention, everybody, may the students report to the great hall after lunch. you're head of year would like to have a word with you. it is an important announcement in which you must attend."

The people scattered like ants, all making their way in perfect neat lines to the great hall, with their friends alongside them. CN was about to just leave with Capital, but then russia cut in, "Can, can I come with you? Like to the great hall." To be honest, CN didn't really want to walk with russia. Walking with anyone but Capital felt weird and unnatural, but she was trying to be open-minded..."Sure, I guess."

The great hall was cluttered with people. Rows upon rows of seats filled the hall, half of them already occupied. They chose a seat near the back, to not be noticed. The rows in front were soon filled, with less and less people near the back. The sound, though, came through loud and clear. Regrettably, CN realized the speakers connected to the microphone was at the back.

"Thanks for arriving on time, people," NATO boomed, the sound coming blasting from the speakers literally right behind them. "So, I am delighted to inform you, we will be having a field trip next week!" Literally, the entire hall, screamed with joy. CN was just confused. It's just a field trip after all, its not like we're seeing jesus or anything.

As the screaming calmed down, NATO explained that they were going to go to egypt, and that egypt himself was leading the field trip. He described the stuff we had to bring and where we had to meet and bah blah blah, but CN was just happy to not have school for one day. The meeting soon ended, and everyone left. CN felt a bit bored in fact, this was the big announcement? Well, the only thing a bit exciting about it was that she didn't have to go to school for one day.

Capital, on the other hand, was squealing with happiness. 

"Omg, I can't believe it, we never have field trips." 

"I mean, we did have a few in primary? I think, I don't remember it that clearly."

"Well, this is different. Because, this is the last year, and we haven't had a field trip in literal years, and we're going to ✨egypt✨ of all places! Can you believe it!"

"I might. literally. die. of. joy"

"Com'on, be happy, you haven't been happy since mom died.." That was true, CN hadn't been truly happy since her mom died. She still felt this stupid guilt.

"Well, maybe I am happy, but I just don't show it as much." CN said, straightening her back. She didn't have to feel sad for mother. She didn't. She shouldn't. 

"Alright, whatever sadface. But I will have the best time in my life, even if you're gonna sulk."

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