el good'ol fight n'stuff

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Russia pov

Russia woke up with every bone in his body hurting. he hadn't realized that the portal would open up to the sky, and his muscles were officially dying.

"Up," France said briskly, "I think I was right. It is the underworld."

Russia glanced around. It was a bit dark, with rock all around them. It looked like the area you would find around a volcano, with ashes covering the rocky landscape.

"I found footprints!" America hollered, from the nearby hill. They ran over and inspected the ground. Vague prints lightly indented the ash, like it had been here over a few hours and been whisked thin by the wind. 

They followed the footsteps, for hours and hours, through mountains and valleys and canyons and rocky boulder forest. Finally, after what felt like a whole hike stretched out on flat land, they came across a cave.

Russia was too tired to care about the cave everyone was so excited about. His legs felt like they were going to fall off, and his feet had enough of being poked by spiky rocks underneath. He dragged himself forwards merely catching up. 

"Look! it seems like someone lives here..." Canada exclaimed, peering into the dark cave. It was true. There was a few candles, lighting the interior, a bed a drawer and a table. It seemed really simple for human living. Well then again, I guess a ghost or soul doesn't need as much as a live human. No need for that much light, or carpets or extra clothes. 

"I guess this is where a soul in the underworld lives?" America said, "I mean, as much as they are tortured by being banished down here they need a place to live."

"I read a book, about superstitions and ghosts and afterlives and all that, and I think a ghosts residence in hell would resemble their living house. Does anyone find this room familiar? Maybe it was one of our parents." France said. 

"I do, this looks like mother's room.." Capital's voice was very quiet, "I-I recognize the style of the furniture, and that is mother's bed.." She seemed deathly afraid of this room, like the mere looks of the furniture had brought back waves of sad memories. 

"Who. Are.You.Guys?"

Russia practically jumped of his body and spun around, flinging out his arms to fight. he scanned the place for a ghost, or underworld monster, or anything dangerous. France screamed and tumbled backwards.

"Who are you?!" America questioned back. Russia noticed the semi-transparent ghost of a women dressed elaborately, in long robes and fancy scarves. there was a fancy scribble in the middle of her face, like one of those rebellions that were too lazy to design a good flag. 

"I'm asking the questions here. after all, you guys did stumble into my alcove. i presume, you are here, regarding, a certain CN?

"You have CN?!" Russia jumped out. he would not, ever let anything happen to CN. 

France regarded him with weird eyes, like she was watching a puzzle piece itself together. 

"I wont answer you, until you tell me why you're here, and who you are."

they exchanged glances, all thinking the same thing. would it be smart, to reveal their mission? russia figured the ghost already knew, and if they admitted it, they would get to know who the ghost was. 

he nodded, the slightest of nods.

"I'm france, this is russia, Capital, america and canada. you didn't know them?" France said briskly. 

"and what are you here for?" the ghost questioned. 

"we-were here for our friend." france explained.

"its best not to reveal to much because-" Canada stopped mid sentence, probably realizing there was no good way to end that sentence.

"Not to reveal that much because your scared of me. I know, I'm terrifying" the ghost beared her teeth, and smiled toothily. "look, its a wonderful place here, but the cottage is much better, why don't you come inside and we can have a fun time 😈."


CN pov

Banging, crashing, signs of a fight. Someone being slammed against the door, and another bashing a lamp down on someone's head. Ooh, and was that a gunshot?

CN desperately wanted to be out there, she wanted to know what was happening, and why mother was attacking them. But, she had more important things at hand.

CN was halfway through sawing her left hand, and it was a lot easier with one hand already freed. The metal seemed to be soft and rusted by the sulfur air, so it was easy to grind through them on the rough rock floor. 

"Finally!" CN yelped in happiness. She jumped up just as two fighting people barreled into the door.

"ACK! What is this!"CN jumped away just in time to avoid a dagger slice that went too close to her leg. She focused her eyes and realized it was france! FRANCE?! Why was she here?! The other person was semi-transparent, mother. CN realized she was standing there just watching and she bolted forwards back to her original mission. Her hand whisked to grab the dream shaper on the chain when suddenly, something slammed into her.

CN was knocked aside by ghostly hands, someone yelling: "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH THAT." Her head banged painfully against the ground and she quickly rolled to her feet. France picked herself up, and she lunged at the dream shaper as well. 

She was about to reach it, millimeters away, and something roared so loud, it shook the earth below them. Mother was knocked off CN, the dagger was knocked off her hands, and france was knocked off her feet. 

A dog was nine heads charged into the room, huge and dark with sharp gleaming teeth. blood dripped off several wounds on it's body, with the biggest one a long slice through it's knee that looked deep and gory. There were four countries screaming and chasing behind it. And one of them was Capital! CN felt her whole body lighten with the sight that her friend was safe. Except, she wasn't very safe right now.

"What are you doing here capital?!" CN hollered, and Capital looked over. 

"Uh, just, uh, saving you from our evil mother? Y'know, they usual?" She grinned stupidly, and then was abruptly pulled forwards. Her hands held a death grip on a rope tied around the monster's head, and she and canada and russia was pulling it away from france, who was trying to beat up mother again.

America was in the corner, busily reloading a gun. In a frantic he dropped the bullets and CN went up to help him. He is nice, CN thought, he does protect the people he care about, in a weird and exessive way, but at least he does. Thats more than I can expect from other countries. 

America lifted the gun, and pointed it straight at the dog's growling head.

With a ear-ringing boom, the dog fell, as if in slow motion, cracking its head against the rock, near and below the dream shaper, and the vibrations rattled the ground.

They all fell to the ground again. And this time, the dream shaper was shook off the heavy chain.

"NOOO!" Mother ran to grab it, throwing off france as if she was just a tissue. She held the dream shaper in her hands, now shattered, and they watched, as it shimmered once, twice, and then fell dark.

Mother crushed it in her hands, and brushed the bits off her palm. She stood up, with a deathly face on. This time, she reaaally looked like she was gonna kill everyone. 

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