the pyramid......

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art by travischapmanart on reddit

The cold narrow hallways contrasted the blazing dessert outside. It was cold inside, unlike outside. It was compact and claustrophobic inside, unlike outside. It looked like a ghost was gonna pop out around the corner inside, unlike outside. Capital and CN walked behind egypt. Personally, she wouldn't have wanted to be in front, but egypt and Capital were the only ones with flashlights, so, best to stick to those two. 

the hallways seemed to get shorter and shorter, the hallways tighter and tighter. the loud symphony behind CN slowly dimmed down to a backdrop murmur which got entirely quiet, when they finally, reached the tomb. 

the room was really tall, and CN was glad to not be so tightly packed anymore. the class surrounded the tomb, which held, now in glass, a rotting, disgusting, heck of a Pharaoh. 

CN quickly shied away. It looked disgusting, she was glad she hadn't eaten much breakfast. America oohed and looked closer, his black sunglasses pressed to the glass. France, unsurprisingly, was taking notes. probably sketching the mummified pharaoh for a project or something. russia, who always seemed t be standing next to her, peered at it curiously from his height. When CN dared to look again, she realized it wasn't that bad. 

The face looked disfigured and ugly, but underneath the rotted bandages, was a flag that looked yellowish with an eye in the middle. It was kinda weird to see a country with only one eye, even weirder than whatever happened with north korea, serbia and a bunch of other one-eyed countries. probably because the eye was right in the middle, like a cyclop or minion. his hands in a criss cross shape, holding something like a staff and a whip. it looked weird, uncomfortable and like it wanted to jump up and stretch. how was that possible? How can a dead body look like it wants to stretch? I mean, the expression looks squashed down, or like its trying to not breath, or maybe it can't breath.. nonsense, its dead. thats kinda the whole point of a mummy! 

Just as everyone was taking photos and oohing, something behind them, something that sounded like footsteps, from the hallway that lead into the tomb. the sound a brass keys, or jewelry clanking, something was heading their way! 

"someone's coming, lets make room for-" CN's words dropped as she saw the person at the door. it wasn't anyone, but the soul, of the dead pharaoh! she screamed, and other people who looked up screamed, and the next thing she knew, the whole class was screaming!

chaos, and germany and france jumped away from the doorway. the whole class jumped to the opposite corner of the room, shivering in fear. it was A GHOST, of someone who had been dead for CENTIRIES. HOW was this POSSIBLE?!

"Who is ittttttt, dares disrupt, my peaceeeeeeee......." the pharaoh hissed, like a cobra about to pounce, and an iron dagger was in his hand... "Tutankamun's meteor dagger....." france whispered. "soo cool..." Capital whispered. "not the best time capital, we're being cornered by the ancient dead soul of ancient egypt. so what if he has a cool dagger." CN snapped. "Well, for one, its kool that the dagger is made of meteor dagger, but like its a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get cornered by the soul of ancient egypt. So I would say this is-" Capital was abruptly cut off as the ghost jumped onto the glass cover of the tomb. CN covered her mouth the make her shut up

"whooooooo, are youuuuu guyssssss?" he snarled, from his perch on the tomb. the countries stayed in the far corner, with all of them trying to hide at the back. CN, unfortunately, was squashed at the front. The ghost jumped off, and snarled again. "I said. who. are. you. guys?" 

"Uh, uh, we're on a field trip." Egypt stumbled to the front. "I, uh, uh, lead them here, with the other teachers..." As if on cue, Nato and a bunch of other world leaders came stumbling in. "Aah, finally found the tomb, I think the students arrived before u-AHHHHHHH WTF IS THATTTTTTT!" Nato fell back in suprize, bundling the other teachers UN and asean back to the hallway. They chased after each other, terrified, running, and not looking back. Egypt slapped his face.

"looksss likeee urrrr teacherss can't helppp you nowwww.... and you, grandson, haven't I told you, the pyramid is open only on wednesdays to sundays from 1 pm to 10 pm? Its a monday morning and its wayy to early for me to be dealing with these pesky tourists! besides, you know I have anger issues, and this is the thing that TRIGGERS ME MOST!!" He turned the dagger to Egypt, who was smiling nervously under the glares of the countries around him. 

without any warnings, he jumped off the tomb, and aimed his dagger right and them. 

Everyone screamed, and jumped away, crashing into each other in the tight tomb room. Capital screamed and ran out into the maze of hallways outside. everyone followed her, all squashing outside. CN wasn't fast enough, she couldn't rely on the small doorway, maybe she could just hide in the tomb room? Her eyes flashed around, searching for something, like a barrel or jewels she could hide behind. there was none of that around, almost everyting was either not in here, or had been moved out. 

suddenly, her eye caught on small trapdoor, at least something that looked like an air duct vent. why are there air ducts in here? what?! why am i caring?! just jump in there and hide!

she opened the trap door and crawled inside just before the ghost turned her way. "I remember someone else, i think they didn't goooo......., so they must be hiding in here..... I can't chase the others, they're too spread out in the hallways. CN's heart sunk, she had hoped that he would run after the others while she could go outside again, along the path she memorized, but if he was staying in here, she'd probably met the worst luck ever....

"I know, I know exactly where she is hiding!" he turned towards the trapdoor, and saw CN, peeking through the gaps. he lunged at CN, but she turned around, and kept crawling. she turned this way and that, hoping that the ghost would tire out and leave her. she didn;t know where she was going, but se headed forward anyways. between being lost in a pyramid or being torn apart by an angry ghost, she would probably chose the former. so she kept going. finally, she came to a a section tall enough to run, and so she did. dashing along, and when she looked back, she was terrified to find the pharaoh almost right behind her. 

"AH!" she screamed and stumbled. she rolled to the side to avoid being stepped on, but when she got up, her neck and head hurt anyways. it was, well, quite a while since she did any running like this, she'd never felt motivated to be honest. well, maybe she could have felt more motivated with an angry ghost chasing her. the Ancient egypt ghost pivoted, and turned towards CN again. CN looked around, but this taller section of the trapdoor, seemed to be it. no doorways leading elsewhere she could escape to, just wall in every direction. THINK! CN yelled in her mind. perhapts i can scare him, reaching into her pocket. what she found, was her toothbrush. she stared awkwardly at it, pressed the button, and pointed it at the ghost anyways.

the toothbrush started to buzz, but the moment the ghosts saw it, he jumped back with a squeal of fear. he jumped back to the trapdoor, and locked it behind her. "NOOOOO!" CN leaped at the trapdoor, but was too late. she couldn't open it now! "UGHHHHH! NOOO! I HAVE TO GO BACK! LET ME OUT, YOU SO OF A FROG!" 

she shook the trapdoor, trying to jam it open, but it didn't work. throwing loose bricks at it? didn't work. CN kicked it and punched it and shook it and everything, but it wouldn't budge. "nooooo..... let me outtt........... ugh......"

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