Bonus Chapter - 2

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Vaishu was seated on the comfy seat in her home office working on the files while Ishaan entered holding a tray in his hand and placed it on the huge mahogany table passing a smile at her. He moved behind her and started massaging her head but Vaishu removed his hand pulling him before.

Vaishu: Ishu, you know I won't interfere when your appa does something to discipline you. I love you and your sisters and brother a lot but that doesn't mean I will support you in everything you do. 

Ishaan: Maa, I m so sorry. I promise, I didn't want that to happen but I lost myself in the heat of the moment.

Vaishu: How old are you Ishu ?

Ishaan: 17

Vaishu: Do you think you could decide everything on your own ? Don't you think you should have come to us with the issue ? We elders would have handled it.

Ishaan: I agree whatever you say and even accept all your punishment but for one last time help me maa. I m really scared to face appa. 

Vaishu: Ohh I see. What about when you both sneak out at nights for long drive. Were you not scared at that time ?

Ishaan: Maa, our appa is the best in the world and the most loving father but he is absolutely an angry alpha when he is mad. I m scared seriously. Last time when I got into a fight with a boy he got pissed and grounded me for a week. God knows what he will do this time.

Vaishu: You still haven't shared the reason to me Ishu. Never mind and save it to confess to your father. You did waste your time in preparing hot chocolate for me. Go think what you can do to cool him. I m sure he must have got the message already and he might be here anytime to confront you.

Ishaan groaned and walked out of the room. He sat on the couch in the living biting his nails and was checking the front door every now and then.

An hour later Reyansh reached home and entered the living. Ishaan rose to his feet as soon as he saw Reyansh and had his eyes cast on the floor. Reyansh saw all the gadgets of Ishaan was placed on the teapoy before him.

Reyansh: Follow me

Reyansh walked towards his study rolling his sleeves which made Ishaan gulp in fear and once they were in the room Ishaan closed the door and locked it.

Reyansh: Care to explain why you hit those boys Ishaan ?

Ishaan knew he was in deep trouble when Reyansh called him Ishaan rather than muffin, Ishu or prince.

Ishaan: I m sorry paa. 

Reyansh: I m not your principal or the parents of those boys to listen to your sorry. I want the reason and think of the consequences before you cook any story. I have my own ways to know reason but I want you to spill it.

Ishaan: Those boys teased Pari and one of them was planning to propose her. I couldn't stand watch someone teasing her trying to propose her so I lost my mind and hit them.

Reyansh: You are of their age and you should have come to us and we would have handled those boys. Who gave you rights to raise your hand ? Didn't I make clear that I won't compromise in your attitudes ? 

Ishaan: Appa, I like Pari. I can't see her with someone else.

Reyansh stayed numb for a moment and cleared his throat.

Reyansh: Like in the sense ?

Ishaan: Like you love our mother. 

Reyansh: You are still in your school and do you even know what is love ? Liking someone and fighting everyone for that person is not love Ishu. If you like or love someone truly then you will have to take the place of being a best friend to her. You will make sure you are the reason for the smile on her face and not the reason for the tears she shed, you will not scare her. You will be a rock support for her, she must feel that you are the most comfortable person she could be with and she could share everything with you. In short you must be her home and I don't have to say the result that the feelings will be mutual then. You will feel that she is your home too. 

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