Chapter - 66

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Recap: Reyansh surprise Vaishu taking her to her father's company and parents home which now belonged to her.


Sakshi was staying with her friend Ramya until she got her own place. She was searching for job vacancies when the door bell rang. Ramya was in the kitchen preparing tea so Sakshi opened but stood hell shocked to see the people at the threshold and started trembling.

She could recognize two of the guards from Rey's manor and others were dressed in white dress like male nurse from some hospital. A doctor came from behind them and two ladies pulled Sakshi back to the hall as she started screaming.

Sakshi: Hey who are you all ? Let me go now. I know you are from Reyansh security team. Tell me why are you holding me now ? Mithun has said he will not trouble me so let go of me. Ramya please save me.

Ramya emerged from the kitchen with a tray in her hand and many cups of tea in it. She served it to the doctor and his assistants. Sakshi's eyes were wide as saucers as she looked at Ramya.

Sakshi: Ramya, why are you serving them tea and how did you prepare so many cups ? Did you knew they would be here at this time ?

Doctor: So, she is the patient is it ?

Ramya: Yes doctor, her husband got arrested and they lost all their business, home and are now left with nothing. She has no one to care for her and I think all these stressed her a lot.

Sakshi: Hey, what are you blabbering Ramya ? 

Sakshi kicked the teapoy in anger and Ramya moved back being scared.

Ramya: Look at her. She loses cool like this and behaves like a mad person.

Ramya's mobile started ringing and she saw it was from Mithun. She answered the video call and show it to Sakshi who was now gritting her teeth.

Mithun: Hello, hope my guest have arrive already and you are loving my surprise for you.

Sakshi: You said you won't bother me anymore then why are you doing this ? Why are they here in the first place and how much money did you give Ramya to go against me ?

Mithun: I gave her nothing but I can very well explain about my guest. He is the dean of the reputed Mental hospital. He will take you with him and will make sure you turn lunatic completely. I have made a personal request to give you special attention so that you will achieve what we wanted. Have a good life.

He cut the call and the assistants started dragging her out but she kept thrashing them and kicked her kegs in air to get free from them. People from the neighbourhood stared at the sight and few started questioning them but Ramya came forward and answered them.

Ramya: she is my sister and recently her husband died in an accident. She lost her mental peace and started beating us at home. Doctor suggested that she needs medical help so we are sending her for treatment.

Sakshi: No she is lying don't believe her. Ramya you bitch how dare you ? I thought of you as my best friend and Jagan is not dead but he is in jail.

Ramya: she keeps saying the same. I m her sister but she calls me friend. Her husband is dead but she says he is in jail. We can't handle her and also she started biting us since yesterday. What if she bite any of you or your children ?

People got scared and scurried back to their homes and Sakshi was thrown into a vehicle. One of the guards placed a mask over her nose and she fainted.

When Sakshi woke up she saw herself chained in a room which. All her screams fell in deaf ears as no one turned up to her.

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