Bonus chapter 2

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Their Point of View:

In the dark room, a man and woman were on a chair, Their hands tied behind their back.

A groan left the man's lips as he tried moving but could only feel pain.

"Where are we?" He asked quietly looking around until his eyes fell on his wife, who was barely alive.

"Mia!, mia wake up," Thomas said quietly, trying to move towards his unconscious wife.

He had a bad feeling about this, who would want to kidnap him and his wife?

The first thought that went through his mind was his wife's brothers who hate his guts.

But he didn't want to think of that, they didn't know they were alive.

He made sure of it, Changed their names and everything.

So there was no possible way to be found.

His thoughts were cut off when the door opened with a bang.

Making him hiss from the sound.

His eyes are wide they connect to John's eyes.

"Thomas, Thomas, it's a pleasure to see you again!" John's loud voice said making His heart drop.

"No, this can't be right," John Mumbled with a frown.

He made sure they didn't find them, he did all he could, so why now?

How did they find them?

"No?" John asked with a chuckle.

"Are you not happy to see me?" He asked again.

Thomas shook his head, his mind was going crazy.

He was going to die in their hands, especially if they found out what he had told their sister.

"You see John, I have to thank you though, for giving birth to Ella, your sweet little girl helped us find you, and and now here you are," John said while looking at his sister.

She was still unconscious, her body was so small like she had been fed probably or taken care of.

"Why does my sister look like this?" John asked with a frown.

Thomas's mind clouded with thoughts.

1. his daughter was still alive and she helped with his finding.

2. The Kingston family will find out that he abuses their sister.

He was truly a dead man now.

"Do it matter, she ran with him anyways, so why should you care?" Thomas heard a deep voice say loudly.

Making him snap his head up, only to see the heir of the Mafia King, also known as John's father, his wife's father.

"Ah, Thomas, it's so nice to see you again." He said with a smile, it wasn't a nice smile.

A smile that Thomas knew.

He is seriously a dead man today.

"Wake her up!" Mia's father ordered, and then two large men walked into the room.

They grabbed her by her arms and then placed her on the ground.

A groan left Mia's lips.

And this made Thomas pray to God, that she doesn't wake up.

If she did, he was dead meat, his death would be so painful because of all his sins.

"Wakey, wakey my beautiful daughter," Mia's father, Antonio said loudly while taking steps towards her.

He has no idea if he should be happy, that his only daughter, his princess is still alive.

His heart drops when his eyes connect to his daughter's eyes.

It looked lifeless, no emotions, nothing.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE TO MY CHILD!" Antonio yelled snapping his head to a shaking Thomas.

That's when all the brothers walked in.

But what they saw made their blood boil.

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