Chapter 45

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Ella's Point of View:

"You guys ready?" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah, baby!" Phil yelled happily, racing towards the jet.

After hacking into our parents' account, we took a lot of money for our personal uses.

"You ready, sissy?" Emmanuel asked softly.

"Yeah, let's go," I mumbled, looking at his blonde hair.

We all have new looks now; Emmanuel and I have dark brown hair and we got matching eye contacts, making us look more like twins.

"You sure you wanna leave?" Emmanuel asked softly, looking at me.

"Yeah, ready for a new life," I whispered softly.

"You won't tell them goodbye, nothing?" He asked again, making me puff.

"Yes, brother. Now, can we leave?" I asked with a frown.

Emmanuel looked at me for a moment before nodding his head. Then he walked toward the jet.

"Let's get going, Ariana," he said, using my new name.

Letting out a chuckle, I skipped towards him before clapping my hand with his.

"Let's go, Richard," I mumbled with a smile.

With that, we walked towards the jet, where a happy Phil and Collins stood.

"Guys ready?" I asked softly, looking into their eyes.

"Duh, New Mexico, here we come!" Phil yelled happily, throwing his arms in the air.

Their names are now Eve and Kinston. Hair color is red and brown.

We all have the same last name, making it look like we were all siblings.

Phil and Collins entered the jet, leaving Emmanuel and me.

"Oh, happy birthday, twin," Emmanuel mumbled with a smile.

Then he brought out a box.

"Aw, you shouldn't have," I whispered looking at the box.

Opening it, I let out a breath when I saw the beautiful necklaces that had my new name on them.

"This is so cute, Emmanuel," I mumbled still looking at the beauty.

He gave me a kiss on my forehead before grabbing my hand, then walked towards the jet.

When we were both in, Phil nodded at the pilot.

With that, we move up.

Only for my eyes to land on a car, then a group of people rushing towards us.

"Shit! Are those your cousins?" Emmanuel asked with wide eyes.

"Doesn't matter, they can't get to us anyway," I said with a smirk while looking at them.

A gasp left my lips when I saw Roman and Mike staring right at me.

You could tell they were disappointed.

But who cares? I'm happy now, and that's all that matters.

"New Mexico, here we come!" I yelled at the top of my voice.

My new family looked at me like I was crazy before screaming like me.

Let's just hope I'll find happiness there.

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More chapters are coming!

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