Chapter 24

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Ella's Point of View:

"Is everyone ready?" Alex asked, glaring at us.

The boys nodded in unison.

"What about you, Ella?" he asked softly, his eyes displaying a mix of concern and understanding.

"I don't know," I answered honestly, my uncertainty fueled by the apprehension of meeting these people, especially my long-lost grandparents.

"I promise you, nothing is going to happen. We are always here, and we are going to protect you," Adonis reassured me, a warm smile accompanying a gentle kiss on my cheeks.

Nodding in gratitude, I wrapped my hand around his, then looked up at the others, finding reassurance in their supportive expressions.

"I'm ready," I finally uttered, the weight of the moment lifted by the camaraderie around me, eliciting smiles from my newfound companions.

With collective determination, we headed downstairs. Little did I know, today held a surprise – our relatives had already arrived.

While engrossed in a video game session, Dax abruptly burst into the room, urging us to prepare as our relatives were all there.

Caught off guard, I hastily attempted to fix my appearance, my hands fumbling with the folds of a red dress as nervous energy coursed through me.

"Stop that, Ella," Adonis said with a sigh, recognizing my anxious attempt to put on a composed front.

Nodding, I took a deep breath, trying to quell the nerves that threatened to overpower me. Today was turning out to be more eventful than anticipated.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I looked up to find 11 pairs of eyes fixed on me. A gasp escaped my lips; evidently, we had already entered the living room without my realization.

A lady donned in a white sunny dress with thick red lipstick made her way towards me with a scold on her lips.

"Why does she look like him and not like her?" she inquired, the rudeness of her tone accentuating the discomfort that hung in the air.

My eyes widened in confusion. "Him?"

"Yes, him, kid. Your stupid father that took our sister away," she replied curtly, rolling her eyes dismissively.

As her words sank in, I felt a mix of emotions – surprise, confusion, and an underlying sense of the impending chaos that awaited me.

"Well, this is going to be a crazy day," I thought, taking a tentative step away from her, bracing myself for the twists and turns that this unexpected family reunion would bring.

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