Chapter 31

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Ella's Point of View:

It felt like hours, just staring at each other.

"I'm Ella," I whispered softly, locking eyes with him—eyes that mirrored mine.

"Emmanuel, I'm sorry, am I going crazy or do you look just like me?" he asked with a chuckle, eliciting one from me too.

"Nah, not crazy, we do look alike, a lot," I replied.

He nodded before scanning the surroundings. "What are you doing here?" he asked softly.

"Looking for you, actually. I don't know why I'm looking for you, though. I needed to ask you something; it might sound weird, though," I said quietly.

"Go on," Emmanuel said with a tilted head.

"Well, you see, I found out a few days ago that I had a twin. One of my friends mentioned that you look just like me, and I know that sounds crazy, but when were you born, and do you have parents?" I blurted out in one breath.

"March 22, 2006. I'll be 18 this year, and no, I stay with my aunt," he replied.

My eyes widened before I took a step back. "That's my birthday," I whispered.

"Uh, what about your parents?" I asked softly, gazing at him.

"No idea. My aunt never mentioned them," he mumbled with a sigh.

"So we might be twins or what?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I guess so. I mean, we both share the same birthday, look alike, and are the same age," I said.

Nodding, he chuckled. "Can I get your number? I'll go home and ask my aunt about this, then give you a call when I get some answers," he suggested.

Nodding, I gave him a smile before grabbing his phone. After adding my number, I handed back his phone.

"Well, today has been crazy. I hope I see you again, Ella," he said with a smirk.

Returning the smirk, I quietly said, "Goodbye," before leaving the room, stealing one last glance at him.

"What were you doing in there?" Mike asked with a raised eyebrow as I approached them.

"I got lost," was all I replied before walking away from his stare.

I was just happy I had a talk with Emmanuel, now to face my cousins.

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