Chapter 28: Lies & 𝓛 *𝓿 *

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As I scrolled through my phone, I let out a yawn and decided it was time to power it off. 

I leaned back in my seat and crossed my arms, feeling the drowsiness slowly take over. 

It was almost 10 pm and I was sitting in Von's Rolls Royce, patiently waiting for him to return from his stage performance. 

He tried to persuade me to join him, but I refused because I was in casual outfit with no makeup on, and didn't want to be seen in this state.

I let out a tired sigh and lazily opened my eyes, stealing a quick look at the driver who seemed completely absorbed in his phone. 

"Is he still performing?" I mumbled, my voice heavy with drowsiness as I rubbed my sleepy eyes. 

"Yeah, I think so," he nonchalantly responded, scrolling through something on his device.

"Ughhhh" I grumbled in frustration and slumped further down in my seat. 

My eyes slowly shifted to the window, revealing the massive venue in the distance.

As I watched the sea of people, heard their shouts, and the loud music, I couldn't help but feel hesitant about entering. 

However, my desire to be around Von began to overpower my hesitation to stay in the car any longer.

"Could you atleast call his bodyguards and ask them to help me through the crowds? I can't stay in the car no more" I said, leaning over to meet the driver's eyes as he turned towards me.

"Yea sure, I can give it a try," he replied, pulling out his phone and dialing a long number.

As I sensed the deep voice of the bodyguard responding on the other end, I leaned slightly over, attempting to hear what he was saying. 

However, I couldn't quite make it out since the driver's seat was a bit away from mine in this large luxurious car. 

"What's he saying?" I whispered, tilting my head, my eyes locked onto the driver's as he nodded, saying something before hanging up the call.

"They're coming right now, don't worry," he reassured me, returning to going through his phone. 

Opening the car door, I decided to step out for a bit of fresh air and gave the heads-up to the driver that I was around.

Slowly walking away from the car, I observed two tall figures dressed in all black approaching me.

As I squinted, I noticed Von's bodyguards in their tight black suits, which made them appear even more buff than they already were. 

With bodyguards by my side now, I pulled my hood over half of my face and entered the huge venue, where the music started getting louder.

As we pushed through the rowdy crowd, I couldn't help but notice others trying to catch a glimpse of me, prompting me to instinctively tilt my head down a bit, avoiding their gazes.

Trailing behind the bodyguards who were carefully clearing a path for me, I was suddenly struck by a momentary darkness that quickly went away.

Stopping in my tracks, I instinctively reached for my forehead, confused by the sudden loss of vision. 

The bodyguards cast worried glances in my direction, but I reassured them it was nothing and kept moving forward, ignoring what had just happened.

Squinting my eyes, I tried to see Von performing on the distant stage, and the music became clearer as I got into the performance.

It feel like I'm doing the most,

I like you, I'm letting you know,

They been running from me they whole life

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