Chapter 22: Messed up

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As Tiana and I strolled towards the cars, she suddenly grabbed my arm and stopped me, her eyes scanning the scenery. 

"Girl let's take some pictures here, the view is amazing." she exclaimed, her pupils widening as she took in the glistening lights in the dark background. 

I walked over and struck a few poses as she egged me on, telling me to show off my best angles.

As I looked over my shoulder, I noticed one of Kentrell's friends gaze lingering on my body. 

Brushing off the attention, I ran towards Tiana to check the photos, my eyes widening in happiness as I scrolled through, admiring how good I looked.

9:00 pmATL, Georgia.

9:00 pm┃ATL, Georgia

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"Hold on girl

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"Hold on girl. I'll be right back," I said, feeling the need to use the restroom as I turned around and quickly walked towards the indoors.

After finishing up, I swiftly exited the house and headed towards the cars, realizing I was the last one to join. 

Making my way to the Rolls-Royce where the girls were seated, I found out there were no available seats. Feeling disappointed, I shifted my attention to another car and glanced inside, only to find Kentrell with his friends and recognize that it was also full.

"No free seats?" I questioned, tilting my head as i pouted. 

Kentrell cast a fleeting glance in my direction, and without missing a beat, he spoke up , "Come in." 

"Where?" I asked, a hint of confusion evident, my eyes scanning to ensure every seat was occupied. 

With a nonchalant gesture, Kentrell widened his legs and slouched lower, signaling for me to sit on his lap. 

Despite a tinge of embarrassment and with limited alternatives, I had no other options but to make my way towards him, bending over slightly to get in.

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