Chapter 16: Renowned

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Waking up slowly, I could feel my temples throbbing as if someone was hammering on them. I groggily raised my hand to my head, trying to make sense of my surroundings. 

My eyes slowly adjusted to the sunlit living room and I realized that I was lying on the couch. How did I get here? I thought to myself, still feeling disoriented. 

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, trying to make the fuzzy memories of the night before come into focus.

As I glanced around the room, my gaze landed on the mirror hanging on the wall. I slowly made my way towards it and gasped at my reflection. 

My hair was a tangled mess, my makeup was smudged and my lashes were missing. My lace front wig was lifted and my cropped poplin shirt was crumpled up, exposing my bra. I could feel the remnants of last night's alcohol still coursing through my system, making me feel queasy.

I stumbled towards the bathroom, holding onto the edge of the sink for support. I thought I was going to throw up, but the feeling passed as quickly as it came. I sat down on the toilet, grateful for the momentary relief. As I stood up to flush, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror again. I looked like a hot mess.

Heading back to my room, a pounding headache began to set in. I sifted through my medicine cabinet, hunting for something to ease the pain.

Popping a pill into my mouth and taking a gulp of water, a sense of relief washed over me as my headache gradually subsided. 

I let out a loud yawn, feeling exhausted and hungover. Slowly returning to the couch, I flopped down, my eyes zoning out as I futilely tried to recollect the events of the previous night.

Swiftly rising from the couch, I searched for my phone. As i spotted it on the ground, I snatched it up and dialed India, eagerly awaiting her response. 

"Hello?" she answered with a groggy tone. 

"Hey India, wassup?" I could hear her chewing something in the background. 

"Nothin' much, what about u?"

"Girl, I just woke up, and I have no idea how I ended up on my couch with all my clothes on and shit. What the hell happened last night?" I continued slowly, attempting to take deep breaths to calm my hangover. 

"Bitch, you got really drunk last night, and I didn't wanna stop you because I thought you could handle liquor better than this. You went wild, though. Do you even remember what you did on stage?"  India spoke, giggling in between talking, her voice filled with mixed amusement and concern.

"Nah, I don't remember nothing. What I do?" I uttered, rubbing my eyes while grinding my teeth together in an attempt to retrieve the last night's memories.

"Girl, where should I even start? The video of you dancing and rapping with with Sexyy Red on stage is blowin' up everywhere. You're the hottest topic on social media right now. Did you even peep yo Ig?" She spoke nonchalantly, letting out a big yawn.

"Hold on, wait. Don't hang up" I exclaimed as I swiftly opened my Instagram. Checking my follower count, my jaw dropped, and I quickly covered my mouth with my hand. 

My heart started racing, and my eyes widened. 

"How on earth did I get over 3 million followers in just one night?" I shouted into my phone's mic. I heard India burst into laughter. 

Hastily navigating to my DMs, I found them flooded with over a hundred thousand messages. My mouth fell even more open as Shaderoom's post popped up on my home page, making me furrow my eyebrows.

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