Chapter 25: Gone

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The chapter might contain violent or disturbing scenes; Viewer discretion advised.

After taking a short nap for a few hours, I gradually opened my eyes and stretched, releasing a yawn.

As I shifted my gaze, I caught sight of Destiny lying next to me in her night clothes, gently snoring.

With a subtle smile on my face, I lazily turned to my side, enjoying the adorable sight of Destiny. 

I couldn't resist running my fingers through her chubby cheeks, gently cupping them in my hands.

Turning around slowly to avoid waking her up, I gently tossed aside the sheets and slipped into my slippers.

Von had allowed me to rest in his bed after I talked to him about the recent events. Though I didn't disclose all the details, I did open up about Shanice.

He also allowed me to wear his pants and tee, which I greatly appreciated, given that I only had the long jacket offered by the cop.

Rubbing my eyes, I dragged my feet across the room to unplug my phone from the charger, checking the time that read 7 pm. My eyes widened in shock as I realized I had napped for over 10 hours, the same amount of time as a typical night's rest.

As I descended the stairs, I couldn't help but notice that the pain I had been experiencing earlier had lessened, thanks to the medication and rest I had taken.

Even though I was aware that I couldn't completely heal from the trauma, I made an effort to avoid dwelling on it.

As I made my way down the stairs, I searched for Von but he was nowhere in sight. 

However, when I entered the kitchen, I found him deeply absorbed in his phone, leaning against the kitchen island.

I couldn't help but notice his striking presence, a red bandana wrapped around his head, and his dreads cascading over his face, with his chains gleaming around his neck.

He seemed completely absorbed in his phone, unaware of my presence and a small smile formed on my lips.

As I approached him at a slow pace, his gaze shifted to meet mine, and he offered a subtle smile, his white gold diamonds shining.

"Its been a minute since I seen dat pretty ass face" he said putting his phone down with a smirk, earning a giggle from me.

He tilted his head, his eyes tracing down to the clothes he had offered for me to wear. 

"You look good as hell in my clothes, ma" he whispered as I approached him, wrapping my arms around his neck and smiling up at him.

His head tilted down, and his dreads fell onto my face, setting off giggles as they tickled my skin.

Leaning into him, my feet dragged behind me, and my arms hung onto his neck for support, my laughter filling the air.

"What you doin'?" he chuckled as he effortlessly picked me up in his strong arms, the echoes of both of laughing filling the air. 

My eyes fell to his, and I couldn't help but ask, "Why you all dressed up?"

"Cuz im finna go to the studio," he replied in a hushed tone, his gaze locking onto mine.

I rolled my eyes, expressing my annoyance, as he turned and set me down on the island table.

"Take me with you" I pouted, my arms still wrapped around his neck as I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling a little disappointed. 

"I can't, you needa rest" he replied, his hands on my waist and and his warm breath tickling my neck. 

"But I wanna with u" I pleaded, pulling away from his embrace and looking into his eyes. 

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