Chapter 15: Drunk Night

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As I made my way slowly up the stairs, my body was wracked with pain. My leg was throbbing and my hand was gripping the handrail tightly, preventing me from falling. 

Nausea washed over me and my head felt like it was about to split open. But I had to push through, I needed to reach the top of the stairs to grab my clothes and leave this place.

The pool area was now almost completely empty, except for a few stragglers who were either too lost in their own activities to notice the time or too high to care. I couldn't afford to stick around any longer, the effects of my heavy drinking were taking over and I needed to get home as soon as possible.

Finally, I reached the top of the stairs and slowly made my way down the hallway. As I approached the room where I had left my clothes, I noticed that the door next to it was slightly ajar. 

Curiosity getting the better of me, I peeked inside and was met with a sight that made my stomach turn.

Asian doll, the rapper from earlier, was completely naked and on top of some random guy.

Without thinking twice, I slammed their door shut and quickly entered the room to change out of my bikini and into my clothes.

As I made my way out of the room, my body was shaking and my head was spinning. I could feel the alcohol in my system taking its toll, and I knew I needed to get to the bathroom before it was too late. 

I stumbled to the nearest bathroom and barely made it to the toilet before I started throwing up. My throat burned as I coughed and my vision became hazy.

I couldn't believe how drunk I was. This was only my second time drinking, the first being on my 21st birthday in prison. I cursed myself for letting things get this out of hand and made a mental note to never drink this much again.

With my clothes now on and my head still pounding, I slowly made my way back down the stairs. 

I had been dancing on the stage earlier, but now I could barely walk in a straight line. All I wanted was to leave this house and get home safely.

As I reached the front gate, my head spinning and my vision blurred, I felt my legs give out from under me.

I was about to collapse onto the ground when I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist, catching me before I hit the ground. Through the haze in my mind, I recognized the person who had caught me - it was Von. He held me up with one arm around my waist and the other on my shoulder, concern etched on his face.

"Damn ma, you drunk as as a muhfucka. " he spoke, securing his grip around my waist to prevent any stumbling.

"God damn u swallowed the whole whiskey bottle?" he questioned, scrunching his face as I leaned closer.

A chuckle escaped me at his comment, but in my attempt to regain balance, I clutched onto his shirt collar for support.

"You a funny ass nigga" I slurred, my words barely making sense.

Von furrowed his brows, shaking his head subtly as he pulled me closer.

"Come on, I gotta get u home. You can't be walking around drunk like dis." he insisted.

With his hand around me for support, I limped alongside him. Suddenly, a wave of dizziness hit me, and my vision blurred, going black briefly before returning.

I clung to him, feeling like I was about to faint before dramatically falling to my knees with tears streaming down my face. Von quickly crouched down, examining my torn jeans and bleeding knees with concern.

"Lemme jus carry you, ma. You can't even walk." he said with a worried expression. Gently lifting me into his arms, I held onto his neck, ignoring the slight pain in my knee. In a state of oblivion, I chuckled uncontrollably, unaware of what was happening around me.

Mistakebound - YBXVONOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz