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" I wanna love another person, can I please love another person this time? "


The day ended with a nervous Y/N in Shota's car. Still paranoid even after training, it seemed to never leave her not even for a moment.

A second of peace was here and there. Aizawa took notice of it and tried to ease your mind which would work by distracting you but the feeling never really subsided, all the drama you wanted to leave in New York seemed to follow you half way across the world.

You were glad you never stepped foot into your apartment, since meeting Aizawa, a sniper was reported a few blocks away watching you. Since then you were debating on breaking your lease. Which still had a few more months left but even going back to move out was scary for you. You truly loved your space yet it was being taken from you, You grew tired of the games and threats. It was beginning to take a toll on you. Your job was being affected, your bills were being affected, your mental health slowly deteriorating; you were almost positive it was affecting your new relationship.

The days went by and still you couldn't possibly understand why everything was happening now at the most important of your life.

Yet you pushed forward acting as if you weren't losing your mind. You only left to go to work and back home to Shota's you had talked to him about breaking your lease. He agreed it would be safer to stay with him since he already—secretly—hoped you would come to this on your own without any force or persuasion. Not like this but still he was happy you were ready to get away from your own sanctuary, unfortunately not for good reasons. You loved living with him, you got to see him more often and loved being in his embrace.

You couldn't see yourself with anyone else, you knew you had found the one. You haven't come to this conclusion lightly but since being around him and knowing his tendencies, likes and dislikes and more you fell more and more in love with him as the days went on.

While you were twenty six and he was thirty two that didn't really bug you as much as you thought it would. All the happiness you've experienced in public and private has been nothing short of the best. He never backed down when it came to you and that made him more and more attractive in your eyes.

The sleep deprived hero teacher going out of his way for you made you swoon. These last few months have been the best yet you felt it be taken away. You couldn't enjoy it anymore not with your crazy ex-fiancé stalking you and wanting you back for some bizarre fantasy.

It continued to eat at you, the paranoia nothing seemed genuine anymore. You couldn't even answer the door unless Shota was with you. You always looked over your shoulder no matter where you went. While you prayed he didn't know where Aizawa lived you couldn't be sure given his connections. You couldn't breathe anymore at least not alone, you couldn't go even go home anymore. Not with someone at the ready to snipe you.

Everyday felt like your last, nothing would last that you knew. You weren't safe nothing felt safe, you weren't even sure if safe would ever be a word you could relate with. You were only safe with Aizawa yet his safety worried more. You didn't want to get that call, you refused to answer the phone unless it was Aizawa face-timing you. You couldn't bare the loss of him, the idea of him not here with you, existing with you. Holding you, comforting you, fucking you, reassuring you, loving you, talking with you. Nothing would ever be the same and you've come to accept that but this was your new life, your new start and you were being robbed everyday you couldn't explore, take a walk, have a street race with Shota or even go out with him. You were never sure where was safe and what wasn't. Nothing seemed safe to you, anything could happen and you knew you couldn't risk, you couldn't even contact your family without thinking the worst.


For awhile all Y/N could do was lay in bed, she had already finished work where at least she had some semblance of peace and control. She felt safe but as soon as it three o'clock, the paranoia, the PTSD, the sadness, the depression all took over. She tracked Aizawa's location consistently since then, she made him upgrade his phone and had his location and everyone else close to her. She couldn't trust herself to even believe that they would be okay. She didn't know him anymore, she wasn't sure what Zion could do and not do. She didn't know him anymore and she hasn't even seen him since feeling his aura in the school. She still had no clue how he managed to even do what he did. No alarms sounded yet she could've sworn it did. She wasn't sure any more of anything really.

Doubt seemed to be a constant in Y/N's life, being free she honestly doubted it would last. Even making it on that plane watching the doors close. Hearing the flight attendants discuss passenger safety, the rules about airplane mode and how to breathe out of bag coming from the small compartments. The introduction of the pilot and co-pilot. You thought maybe you were dreaming of your freedom; it was real at least for the first three years. On the fourth year you accepted you were free that was until he found you but then you wondered if he always knew where you were. It dawned on you yet chose to ignore it. Happy you could start over and maybe found someone again, fall in love again, your expectations were high and your ambitions were as well.


Soon as the night fell and Aizawa finally arrived home to you, you of course were overjoyed that he was safe and you could push aside this feeling of danger hugging your body, strangling your thoughts and peace of mind. It all went away with him, you could be you.

"I missed you..." Y/N mumbled in his chest, he felt her voice vibrate all through his body. He smiled kissing her forehead. "I missed you more, Kitten." His deep voice sending a wave of pleasure through her. She smiled further pushing her body into his. The smell of teakwood filled her nostrils.

hey bookies, idk what to say other then cya next time. will edit soon, crazy train on the way!! -A. 💕

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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