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hi, y'all read the authors note <3 & song above - A. ❣️


The little bell outside the classroom, rung rather loudly at least to the sleeping pair on the bean bag chair. They both groaned and shifted their weight. Y/N laid slightly on top of Aizawa and was quiet comfortable until he moved but he had to anyway because they both had one last class to teach. Much wasn't discussed about what they were and how things were progressing. They both seemed to be comfortable with the current situation not giving to much to mind it. They had no qualms about being this close to fast or any issues really. They figure eventually one of them had to bring it up, would it be now? Probably not.

Most would be stressing about what they were; what their status was and if the other should bring a tooth brush over or not. They had already been around each other for the most part and got to see each other sober and drunk. They had intellectual conversations, they felt they were moving at a calm pace. There wasn't anything that seemed to make them want to move urgently.

So, when being bombarded with the loud ruckus of students walking into the classroom to see both teachers sprawled out on the bean bag, it was definitely a sight to see. "Speak anything of this and you won't like what comes next." Aizawa spoke causing, Y/N to laugh her face buried half in his chest and the other in the bean bag. She didn't really pay attention to the jaw dropped class of 2-A.

Slowly they both got up, Aizawa lending the music teacher a hand to which she gladly took. For a second while the students got into their seats, they stared into each others eyes and spoke silently to each other.

They obviously couldn't say what they to wanted to say but they were very brief in their interaction. She knew she could text him but never had much confidence to actually do it even though they've been around each other often. She knew after he left things would get interested and they did.

As soon as they pulled away from the intense eye contact and Aizawa squeezed her hand and left to tend to rowdy class that awaited him.

"Are you guys dating?" one student with a an animal quirk asked.

"I always thought he wasn't into anyone..." another kid said aloud to another classmate.

"Are you guys in love?" one girl asked with a bright smile, she had orange hair and was dressed in business attire. Typical noisy students. Y/N's mouth was slightly ajar from all the questions and immediately she regained control of the situation.


"My private life and affiliation with Mr. Aizawa is none of your concern." I stated firmly to my class but then I couldn't help myself from smiling so hard at the thought of him.

"Also, I don't know..." I replied to my class while trailing off to my desk and I sat on-top of it and faced the many eager students who found my love life more interesting then music. I looked up to see them all staring at me intrigued.

"We should get to the lesson, you guys need to figure out what you need to do for the music festival." I replied seriously and then a wave of groans happened. I laughed and started with the lesson for today.


The days finally ends with Y/N packing up her belongings along with the ideas the students had for the festival. She would have to run this by Nezu, she dreaded the meeting should eventually have to with him.

It was starting to become too obvious who would show up five or ten minutes after each other. Many speculated but many rumors were denied only because Aizawa rarely showed any emotion, especially around co-workers or students. That's what everyone assumed until class 2-A, saw how he acted around their music teacher. It was rarely to seem act any other way then grumpy and strict.

So, now it was up to many students who were aware to see how they progressed most wanted together but it was very early to tell.

Aizawa has finished grading papers, he has let out class early since everything was done rather fast. He loved having other students other than class 1-A as they seemed to get off track a lot when given work, so grading class work from the hero course was going to be bore but letting them out early gave him the time to get it done.

Soon, he as he made it to Denki's paper he took a break. The stress of grading his paper was something he needed to do after a break. Everyone had already been improving slowly but he would've preferred faster but beggars can't be choosers. He ran his had through his long jet black hair and blew back a sigh. He knew one of them was supposed to meet each other in their classroom but it seemed as if they both forgot and he hoped she came.

If he didn't see her at least a few times a day, the day seemed boring and miserable. Passing the time would've been getting a head start arresting some petty criminal.

Aizawa hadn't realized it but he was already falling for the music teacher, as if it wasn't obvious enough the whole building knew before they did. At this point it was up to one of them to express these harbored feelings.


"Work it, work it, work it, oh lay, oh lay, oh layyy" I sung loudly, through the halls swaying my hips to the lovely voice of Lloyd. I had swiped my forehead feeling sweat, I slowed my singing and my crazy dancing in the halls to walking but still singing.

I was so ready to just head home and relax for the rest of the night but the familiar feeling of butterflies erupted in my stomach. It's barely been a month and I am already seeing a future with Shouta.

I laughed at my thoughts, "I am going crazy" I mumbled. The second I find someone who's checking the boxes, the wedding is planned and the ring is pictured. I really needed to slow down, but every-time we're together he's already mine. Am I crazy? I thought to myself.

I didn't why we couldn't be together but I felt like ever since my ex-boyfriend/ fiancé. I would be paranoid and these past couple of days, I have been feeling like someone is watching me but I have no proof and If I even mentioned that who I used to date was. I would be the laughing stock of the Japanese police. It would be impossible to for for him right? the most liked hero in the United States, looking for his ex-girlfriend/ fiancé who secretly left him because he was the most crazy, narcissistic, manipulative, childish and angriest person in the world and has the world in the movie the way he would act like a different person in public.

Maybe, I should tell Shouta about him.

hii...hey...everyone... pls don't beat me up or yell. i know it's been a long while. so, much has happened anyways, i finished my midterms and I am just waiting on two tests to see what i got. i passed my psych midterm thooo!! can i get a "ohhh yeah" *doja cat voice* also, i will be updating no guidance tomorrow or something...this book will be getting serious now. so no more cute shit just misery....(for now) lol who knows i love you all sm cya soon <3  -A. 🖤

p.s. - editing soon <3

EDITED! 1/3/23! & 3/13/23! & 11/6/23!

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