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hi, song above and enjoy! -A. 🤎 p.s. read authors note!


After the pair got ready, the decision now was to see who was driving. While Y/N hated leaving her car anywhere. She knew where it was and driving didn't seem all that exciting especially on the way to work. She looked over to Shouta who was already walking to his car. Y/N was dressed in his clothes as she didn't bring any of her own. Sporting a black t-shirt, a random pair of sweats that didn't really fit him well anymore, her bag, her hair in slick black bun as she didn't want to arrive to work a mess. The music teacher changed her mind about skipping school. She'd figured she would let her hair take a break from all the sew-ins.

Although removing it was a struggle within itself

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Although removing it was a struggle within itself. Teaching Shouta was nothing but it was interesting to see him do it. Y/N didn't trust just anyone to even touch her hair but she trusted him. Not that he gave any red flags in the first place.

 Not that he gave any red flags in the first place

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

As she started following him to his car. He opened the door for her and she shot him a small smile and got in he shut the door and jogged over to his. The small things reminded Y/N of the drive back to her place when they first got close at the bar.

Soon, the pair were off to work. The place they both dreaded but work was work.

As they neared Yueei Y/N daydreamed away happily thinking about the raven haired man, she was happy and just wanted to stay at his place and cuddle, have sex, eat and just be around him. That was all that was in her mind this passing weekend a memory she couldn't get out of her head. Pulling into the parking lot, Aizawa parked into his assigned parking space and shut off the car. Taking the keys from the ignition and pulling them into his pocket.

Today looked fairly beautiful the sun seemed brighter, the clouds seemed have a beautiful translucent glow. The grass at Yueei was always cut perfectly, the sky was painted a gorgeous baby blue and everything seemed to just tie itself together.

A new chapter of Y/N's finally started and she's starting it with someone she can see a future with. Her time was wasted, her energy was wasted and most of all she knew it but didn't do anything about it. Aizawa showed her something she never got before real love, comfort, compassion, understanding and communication. She was done playing stupid, being screwed and acting clueless. Giving up parts of herself for someone who didn't care to do the same.

These simple things that he did while we're together proved he was someone she can get close to. While they did share a bed when they left the fear he didn't give any weird vibe and he had a lot of friends who seemed to love teasing but also had love and respect for him. They weren't his enemies, no one had a vendetta.

They weren't looking for something in return it was honestly different from New York in every way and she was happy for it. It was draining and dating a man child was even worse, hell it barley had an perks unless you count the shopping and that was very rare.

Soon you both decided to exit the car but before you could open your door you noticed Aizawa had already came to your side and opened the door. You smiled and quickly pulled him into a sloppy kiss and he gripped your side. A small moaned escapes your lips and you try not to miss class so you pulled away. Missing his lips already and the coconut  lipgloss that rubbed off your lips onto his.

You stared into his onyx eyes dazed and in love he smirked and placed on last kiss in your forehead. You moved the right as he shut the door. You help your purse in your left and grabbed onto Aizawa as you walked silently to the Yuuei gate. He swiped his ID card and you both walked in. You both immediately pulled apart. You didn't want the whole school knowing just yet about the two of you.

While you both knew you wanted to hold hands and spend more time in each others. You wanted to enjoy what you had in secret.

You were the cash and he was the rubber band. He kept you together, while you let fear run you, terror keep you from finding yourself. The instinct to always run was always present. You stopped running, stopped letting fear be your guide. You felt safe, at ease. Aizawa while his demeanor was intimidating and his emotions unclear you knew who he was behind closed doors. You were scared but now you were confident. You had never expressed these feelings to him but you hoped he knew. While you had a hard time expressing yourself, you were coming out of your shell.

When it came to Aizawa he was a sure thing.

As you both walked inside heading for the teacher's lounge. All you could think to do was tell him, tell him everything you wanted to say. Your heart felt free and willing to let someone new in. Someone who treated you like you were the only person in the room, like you mattered, like you were loved and appreciated. It all felt new and you wanted to say it all and more. An idea popped into your head as you turned the cold sliver door knob to walk inside the warm teachers lounge.

You let go of the door knob and turn to him, gave him one last kiss which he accepted no question. As you pulled away feeling confident in your feelings you started to make way to your classroom. You shot him a look and he understood his onyx eyes steady on you. You waved goodbye as did he and made your way to your classroom. One goal on your mind. To tell him exactly how you felt.


haii everyone! it's been a minute. i just wanted to say thank you for everything, every single one of you. also, i will be publishing a new story as you can see up above. It's a short intro but i am so excited to share it with you all. i don't know where i would be without you guys and your support. so seriously thank you, it motivates me to keep going and give you guys my all and it's what you deserve nothing but the best. while this chapter is short next chapter will be something waaaaay different and i am so excited to share it. lastly, i graduate in a week and i am a bundle of nerves but behind happy to start a new chapter of my life. have a great one i love you <333 -A. p.s. will be edited soon. p.p.s - lmk what you all think of the counsulor.

UPDATED 5/18/23!

Pedestal |S. Aizawa जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें