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The bell rang and the students all waved goodbye to Y/N as she did the same. While everyone walked in pairs or by themselves. She thought how she was going to tell Shouta about her ex-fiancé that she left. She was scared and honestly had a gut feeling that he found her. It terrified her but she couldn't help it.

She wasn't sure how he was going to help and honestly she wasn't sure he could. Although she didn't know him for his hero work or really anything about his life surely he can give her some insight or whatever licensed hero's do. She wasn't one herself and didn't see how her quirk could even help against Zion's. His was well developed and quite powerful if trained and used properly.

Y/N on the other hand was still learning about her quirk. It only came out when she was trying or when she sung. When angry it rarely showed itself. She needed training and she needed it now. After the door shut she blew a frustrated sigh and finished up rearranging the desks for tomorrow.

The numbness slowly creeped in the air in the room felt loud and everything around her felt loud and real. Real that he was here, that he was back, that he was out to get her. Y/N placed the last desk completing the small circle she made.

To calm her down to get rid of her growing anxiety she decided to play music and keep herself distracted until she talked to Shouta again. He was able to sense when she was getting anxious. Y/N tends to play it off with laughing or changing the subject but with him she could be herself not feel so alone considering she only hangs with him.

She walked to her laptop that still laid open on her desk and started playing her favorites to keep her calm and give her a feeling of self-assurance.

She turned up the volume and started finishing up in preparation for tomorrow. The lovely voice of Alannah Myles played loudly, the feeling of the base put the twenty six year old at ease.

Y/N swayed her hips as she started pulling out loose leaf paper and markers. They needed to draw up banners for their bands or groups for the talent show. Y/N was excited and wanted to get it on right away.

"Black velvet and that little boy's smile
Black velvet with that slow southern style..
A new religion that'll bring ya to your knees
Black velvet if you please..." Y/N sung loudly matching her voice to Myles. Myles always gave her clear mind.

She walked over to her desk and pulled the wood stained draw on her left and pulled out more colored pens and pencils. She figured setting up for tomorrow would be good so she didn't stress about it.

"Up in Memphis, the music's like a heatwave
White lightning, bound to drive you wild
Mama's baby's in the heart of every schoolgirl
"Love Me Tender" leaves 'em cryin' in the aisle." Y/N swayed her hips sensually as she sung along every now and then just thinking of the impact she was making with her students for her it was better then going home and being alone it felt a lot better then that.

"BLACK VELVETTTTT, IF YOU PLEASEEE" she yelled at the top of her lungs in a southern accent. Her quirked mimicking her making the words larger and larger with each breath.

Unbeknownst to the music teacher, Aizawa stood at the door watching her and smiling as she got ready for the next day.

Soon the song changed and she sung the late Tracy Chapman, "Give me on reason to stay here and I'll turn right back around..." she sung, making a her voice slightly deeper. She out stretched her arm to no one she sung, then she waged her pointer finger as if she was saying 'nu uh' she swayed her hips and walked around the classroom as if she was arguing with someone else in the room.

"Said, I don't want to leave you lonely
You got to make me change my mind..." Y/N sung as she started to pick up the pace in her cleaning and sung softly to Tracy Chapman.

Soon, Aizawa walked into the classroom and quietly and sat his bag down along with his keys and phone. He leaned against her desk and watched Y/N sing and set up desks. Aizawa was known to be the silent hero, very quiet in his steps and quick to strike without you realizing. It's why he chose to go underground besides the untimely death of a friend. If not for that he would've opened up an agency but plans changed and life went on.

As the song came to an end Shouta walked over to Y/N who yelled and then calm down after inhaling his scent. Y/N wasn't sure if Shouta was aware of the natural scent he had that made her feel calm. He a very natural scent to him that she felt wasn't any cologne he wore it was definitely natural.

She felt his hard body on hers and immediately she melted in his arms and sighed talking her right arm and placing it on his hands that wrapped securely around her waist.

His face buried in her neck he mumbled a quick greeting to which she smiled and replied, "Hey, yourself" the silence was deafening but they enjoyed it. For a minute just a minute, they can ignore the world. When it got to loud and just be in their bubble a bubble they never wanted to leave.

Y/N pulled away and faced him, she grabbed his rough hands and they sat in the desks they were now in a small circle.

"We should talk." She said quietly, at first he seemed worried but Y/N quickly settled the doubts about their relationship and squeezed his hand, "It's not about us..." Y/N paused for a second and Shouta stared at her wanting to speak more but she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The night was young and it was only just getting started for the hero course teacher.

"It's about my ex-boyfriend.."

ahola amigos!!! i miss you all it's been forever, i got off work and i paused scandal to give you the best and update. I read this for over two weeks trying to think of something to say and it's something, until the next cheater where things get emotional. 🥲 -A.
🖤 p.s. - i really love the music choice's definitely my favorites right now because that's all i hear at work anyway, thank you for 10.3K reads this is insane and i'm extremely grateful <3

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