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back at it like a crack addict - A. 💕 song above. thanks so much for 2K reads, I am so happy y'all are enjoying it! also, song above! just discovered it and i am in love with it <3


It was around two o'clock in the afternoon and Y/N was walking in the hallways to her classroom to have lunch. She had just finished her second class of the day. In the next hour she would be teaching class 2-A. Y/N had began to like them and the rest of her students. Soon, In the next two weeks they would have to come up with something to preform for the festival coming soon. It stressed out the young adults but it had to happen eventually. She was looking forward to it. She has scribbled down a few ideas and suggestions each class can do based on how they worked together but she wanted to see how good they were but she only saw them during her teachings periods. So, today she left her classroom and took her lunch to go spy on her kids and get a better idea of what to do for each class.

Y/N was determined to help these kids do their best and shine. That was the plan of course, see what best suits them and go from there. Only problem was once she arrived to do that, the plan suddenly changed.


I walked down the long corridor looking for class 1-A, I hoped I got to see them as a team before I announced anything about the festival arriving late October. Apparently, it was an all weekend event and I was in charge of it all; I was happy I have some help aside from approving and denying students ideas.

I walked passed class 1-B and heard the loud of Vlad King yelling something incoherent. I rolled my eyes at his typical behavior. He loves to yell, I thought to myself. I finally made it to class 1-A's room and knocked and heard a muffled come in. I slowly pushed the door open and saw the class in groups discussing something, and then I turned my head to Aizawa asleep on the floor in his yellow sleeping bag. I guess Iida let me in as he saluted to me and then continued to discuss ideas to his group. I walked over to Aizawa and bent down to his where his was, I took a good look at him. He looked so peaceful and calm, small snores left his mouth, he was relaxed and was doing so under the chatter of his students whom I assume was used to him sleeping during class.

I stared for a few seconds before going for his cheek that was semi sticking out as his light snores got quiet. I guess when he was with me he didn't snore, or was I listening? I thought to myself. I gently touched his cheek and his jerked himself away and then suddenly he inhaled my scent and then he was calm. He mumbled and I couldn't hear him well, So I got closer and he said "hey" in his quiet, yet deep voice. I guess to keep students from hearing. "Meet me in my room, okay?" I said quietly to him. He nodded, his eyes never opening and slowly went back to sleep. I moved away and slowly stood up and waved to the students who were deeply intrigued at what happened. I ignored the stares and waved goodbye.


As Y/N walked towards Aizawa many of the students paid her no mind. All besides Mina and Deku. Soon, their quietness didn't go unnoticed as they all stopped talking and looked to see where the two most talkative students were completely quiet. Class 1-A was in awe at the interaction of the music teacher and their very stoic teacher interact. It was very rare to see their teacher not automatically attack whoever disturbed his sleep, sure he jerked away but it he automatically calm once he inhaled what they all assumed was Y/N's scent.

Soon, Denki tapped Jiro's shoulder to hear what they were saying. After not wanting to hear it the class shot her a glare and finally she did it. She signaled everyone to be quiet soon she picked up on the quiet voices of the teachers and heard a few words being shared about meeting in her classroom and a quick greeting. After that she removed her earjacks and fast enough as the music teacher stood up slowly and waved to the class and left they quickly looked to their tired, sleep deprived teacher who just went back to sleeping but with a tiny very faint smile on his face.

This made the class gasp and soon brainstorm ideas about what just happened. Many questions were being tossed around, "Do you think they're dating?", "I've never seen them hang out..", "Are they married?", "When did this happen?" A major question raised by Sero. Everyone hummed in agreement, Bakugou who could are less but was curious as to when their teacher who barely smiled let alone interacted with his other colleagues have time for a relationship. Soon, without anyone noticing the thirty two year old got up and stretched feeling very well rested he hasn't felt that way until meeting Y/N.

He let out a small yawn and then let out an cough to get his students attention. Automatically, they went quiet and he sighed shaking his head and pointed to the clock their next class started in next three minutes soon all of 1-A dashed out the door leaving their work sheets on the desk as instructed at the start of class.

He then collected his belongings and papers to grade and headed for Y/N's classroom. He wondered what she wanted to talk about.

ahola, we early huh, ik i missed y'all <3 there's so much happening it's insane. also, my phone is good so far and i started my senior year of college and it's not stressful yet but i can feel it and i want to ignore it but can't but yeah i'm all over the place. i am writing this before i gotta knock for work but i wanted to have this ready for the weekend. -A ❣️ p.s. will be edited soon

EDITED 9/7/22! & 9/8/22! & 10/2/22! & 3/13/23!

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