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"Tae... Jungkook hugged him from behind... I missed you..." He placed a kiss on Tae's head.

"I miss you too, baby," Tae said while caressing his hair.

"Tae... I need a child... Our child..." Jungkook whispered. Taehyung turned towards him.

"Kookie, you're not healthy enough to bear a child. Hmm... And don't think about anything, baby... Just relax and get healthy." He kissed the boy's head. "Let me see Yoongi." As he walked outside, Jungkook sat on the bed. "You're avoiding me, Taehyung, just for him," he slowly took the paper that had already crumpled. He opened it... a marriage certificate... Kim Taehyung and Kim Yoongi... "Then who am I?" He gritted his teeth and tore the papers into pieces. "If he is your wife, then who am I... Your whore..." He lay on the bed and cried silently.

"No... No hope for his recovery... All of his body parts were affected by the drugs. A leaving dead body... That's it..." The doctor said to Taehyung.

"Tae..." He sat beside Yoongi and kissed his forehead. "You are mine, isn't it? You are not going to be a burden for me... I will take care of you... Don't worry..." He whispered to Yoongi.

"Stop all these medicines... We can do some herbal treatments for him..." The doctor said. "I know someone who does herbal treatments... I will send that person," the doctor said.


Hmmm.... I don't want study anymore... This is so boring... Jimin sighed.

Exam starting next month Jimina... Taemin said.

Yes... But... He looks at his lips... He got a kiss from his husband in the morning. He was so hot in towel... We bath together yesterday..

Jimina... Taemin hit him... We are in class...

But I want see my hubby... He stands up...

Yes Mr. Park... Teacher looks at him.

No... Mr. Kim... He said took his bag and walks out.


"Why did you do that, Jimin?" His mother shouted at him.

"I wanted to see hyung..." He looked down.

"What? You skipped school for that? Your exams are coming."

"Sorry..." He looked down.

"Jimin..." His mother sat with him. "Baby, you don't understand anything that happens around us. You don't understand why I am doing all this to you... Please study something and find a job."

"What are you talking about, mom? I want to see my hubby... Leave me..." He took her hand off and ran towards their room.

Her eyes teared up. "You are also locked in Kim's, just like Hoseok..." She sighed.

"Jin..." Jimin called his husband, who was doing something on his laptop. "I missed you..." He immediately hugged him without minding the guest in front of him.

"Jimin..." Jin called him and looked at his guest. "Sorry, my husband is like a child... Excuse me..." He carried the boy and walked out.


"When did I stop my acting?" Hoseok asked Joon.

"I don't know..." Joon smiled.

"Joon... I am serious... You mentioned it in your last interview."

"I didn't mean that, Hoseok... Just a break after delivery... Then we can start... Now go and take rest... Aaha... Congratulations, baby... The doctor just called me... We are having twins..."

"Really?" Hobi's eyes widened in happiness.

"Yes, bubba..." He hugged his husband. "Thank you, dear... I love you."

"Love you too, Joon."


"I am thinking about marriage, Taehyung," Jungkook said.

"Me too... But I need to get an official divorce from Yoongi... But in this condition, I can't do that."

"You are my hyung's husband, but with me... What will people think?"

"I know, baby... But what should I do? And no one knows that I am married... Don't worry."

"But you know that..."

"Mr. Kim is calling you..." A maid informed.

"Go and sleep... Let me see hyung..." Taehyung immediately walked out.

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