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"Did you kill my mother?" Taehyung asked, pointing his gun at Namjoon.

"Tae," Jin called to him.

Jungkook touched his waist, ensuring his gun was in place.

Choi and Eunwoo exchanged glances.

"Yes, I wanted her to die," Namjoon said with a deep breath, "but I didn't shoot her."

"Then who?" Taehyung's voice darkened.

"I won't tell you," Joon replied.

"Do you want to die, Kim Namjoon?" Taehyung glared at him.

"You can kill me; I won't tell."

"Give me a chance. I will make him say that name," Eunwoo said with excitement. Choi gulped. They were in the Kim mansion, facing Kim Seokjin.

Taehyung looked at Eunwoo. "He'll never reveal that name, no matter how much you torture him. That's our policy."

"Tae, let's go," Jungkook said, feeling a growing urge to protect his child.

"To where, Jungkook?" Jin asked. "You're carrying our blood, and it's our responsibility to protect our children. That's why we killed her. She didn't want Joon's child and Hoseok, so we killed her. I mean, Taehyung killed her," Jin laughed.

"Tae!" Jungkook looked at him.

"She was annoying, baby. That lady was very annoying, just like Eunwoo," Tae said, looking at the man. "Always getting on my nerves. Then Joon hyung said he wanted to kill her, so I shot her. I mean, I killed her."

"Kooki, don't stand like that," Namjoon said. "Come and sit here, or your legs will become swollen."

"Let's go," Choi said to Eunwoo. "Go."

"Poor people, thinking they can go easily," Taehyung nodded.

"Tae, you're going to be a father, so no violence. Take your boy to your room. I'll take care of them," Jin commanded.

"Yes, hyung. Kooki, let's go to our room," Taehyung said to him.

"No," Jungkook said. "I want to go home." He walked towards door.

Suddenly, Eunwoo caught him, pointing his gun at Jungkook's head. "Open the door, otherwise I'll kill him. Open the door!" he shouted.

Suddenly, they heard a gunshot. Mr. Choi fell to the floor.

"Ahhaa," Jungkook screamed.

"Do you want to die?" Taehyung glared at Eunwoo, who released Jungkook then sat beside the dead body.

Tae walked to Jungkook and carried him. "No, leave me," Jungkook wiggled.

"Stop it, Kooki." Tae walked outside with him, followed by Namjoon.

"Hey man, come and sit here. Let's talk," Jin said to Eunwoo.


Taehyung placed the boy on the bed. "My baby, welcome back to our room," he said with a big smile.

"No, leave me! You killed your mother," Jungkook screamed, "and you act in front of me. How dare you?"

"Me? I was genuinely sad, baby, for killing my own mother. Okay, leave it. What does my baby want to eat? What are the things you are craving for?"

Suddenly, Jungkook pointed his gun at Taehyung. "I want to go," he said.

"This is your home, Kooki," Tae smiled and grabbed the gun from Jungkook. "I love you." He cupped the boy's face and pressed their lips together. Jungkook pushed him away. "Don't you dare touch me, you killer!"

"What the hell do you expect from mafias, baby?" Tae chuckled.

Someone knocked on the door. They entered with a tray of food. "Should we serve?" the maid asked.

"No, go. I will do it," Tae smiled.

"I don't want anything," Jungkook gritted his teeth.

"I will feed both of my babies together," Taehyung said.


"Hyung," Jimin burst open the door and walked towards Jin. Without minding anyone, he sat on Jin's lap. "I am sad."

Jin hugged the boy. "Then do what I said. Go." Jin said to Eunwoo. He stood up and walked outside.

"Is that Jungkook's cousin?" Jimin asked.

"Yes. What happened?"

"We got married first, but we don't have a baby. I want one."

"You should ask permission from your father," Jin said.

"Really?" Jimin looked at him.


"Let me ask then." He stood up and ran outside.

"Everything is perfect except my wife," Jin nodded his head.

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