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Hoseok knocked on the door, calling out, "Kooki... Kooki..."

Taehyung opened the door, visibly irritated. "What now?"

"I want to see Jungkook. Is he inside?"

"Hmm..." Tae hummed, "I'll call him." He walked to his bedroom, calling out for Jungkook. After searching around, Taehyung couldn't find him. "Jungkook..." Tae dialed his number but heard the phone ring from the nightstand. "Where the hell has this boy gone?"

"Tae come outside, "He's not here, but his mobile is." He showed Hoseok the phone.

"Where did he go? Maybe to the kitchen..." Hoseok headed towards the lift. Taehyung glanced at him, noticing he had gained some weight. "Kooki is also carrying now... I should take care of him more." Taehyung smiled and followed behind Hoseok.


"What the hell are you talking about, Jungkook?"

"Yes, Dad... I locked him in a building."

"But why? Uncle Choi is shot dead. Eunwoo was trying to trap me. Now Eunwoo and Taehyung both will go after him. Within that time, we can take all the money from Jungkook's account and leave the country."

"But where did you lock him?"

"No one will find him... That bastard will die there..." Jungkook smiled. "Just like his family died..."

"But... Taehyung and his family are still alive..."

"Let them... Let's go to the bank," he said.

"Oh, you're here?" Eunwoo walked towards them and slapped Jungkook. "Why did you do that?"

"I was scared whether you'd trap me or not," Jungkook scratched his head.

"Oh..." Eunwoo chuckled.

"Where is Jungkook?" Jungkook asked sheepishly.

"At the Kim mansion... Sleeping with his child's father..." Eunwoo looked away.

"Child?" Both of them looked at each other.

"Yes... That bastard is pregnant..." Eunwoo gritted his teeth.

Jeon and his son looked at each other. "We need to go to the bank... Junggk, go and get ready," Jeon said to his son.

"Okay, Dad..."

But a car stopped in front of their house... A furious Taehyung ran towards him, followed by Joon and Jin... Taehyung shot Jungkook in the hand... The boy fell to the floor... Taehyung pressed his boot on his hand... "Where is my Kooki?" Taehyung asked.

"I don't know..." Junggk said between pain.

"Just tell me, bastard..." Taehyung screamed.

"I don't know..."

"How does he know about Jungkook? He was with you yesterday..." Jeon shouted.

"And this bastard picked him up from the Kim mansion," Joon said.

"Yes... Yes... I picked him up... But you'll never see him again..." Jungkook smiled. "Never ever meet him again..."

"You..." Taehyung punched him. "Where is my Jungkook?" he screamed.

"Kill me... But I don't want Jungkook to leave happily..." He smirked.

"Kill his father, Tae..." Jin said.

"No... I know where he is," Jeon said.

"Where?" Jin grabbed his collar.

"Old building near the lake... that abandoned building."

Taehyung left Jungkook and ran towards the car...


"Three abandoned buildings... Search everywhere," Jin ordered his men. Taehyung already ran towards the building...

After some minutes, a guard called them and he found a room which was locked from the outside... Three of them rushed there... The guard broke the lock...

"Kooki..." Tae called the boy and held him inside... They got the boy from the bed, but he was in a pool of blood... "No..." Taehyung screamed and sat on the floor... Jin rushed towards Jungkook and checked his pulse... "He's alive... Let's take him to the hospital..." Jin carried the boy and ran outside...

"Tae..." Namjoon hugged him... "Come on." He took his shivering brother and walked outside.

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