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Hyung... Jungkook amazed by seeing his own brother... How ? He rush towards him.

Jungkook... I got bail.. what happened to you?

Hyung let's go from here... He enters the car and Jungguk drove fast... They kidnapped us... They kill uncle Choi ... I don't what happened to  Eunwoo... Jungkook sighed.

Uncle Choi get killed?  When? Jungguk look at his brother.

Today.... Let's go somewhere else hyung... Otherwise they will catch us.

But I saw Eunwoo just before... He said I got bail but he didn't said  about Choi...  He nod his head.

I don't know what the hell is happening?... Jungkook sighed... Where we are going hyung?

You just want to be go somewhere safe...  We have a building here...

Jungkook stare at the way they are going... No houses, no lights, he heart start to beat fast...   His child! The thought makes him scared.


Jungkook? Hoseok, look at his husband.


"Oh my God... Where is he? I want to see him..."

"With Taehyung... Sleep now, we can see him tomorrow."

"You know what, I am so happy today... People are praising my role... You know that DK from Rainbow Stupid offered me a role..."

"What did you say to him?" Joon asked with a smile.

"Hmmm... Jooni..." Hoseok hugged him... "I really like that character... It's a character role..."

"But can you finish that work... I mean, your belly is getting bigger so..."

"That's the main thing... They need a pregnant person... Exactly three months older... That's how I got excited... Me and my baby are going to act together... What do you think about that?"

"Getting opportunity is good, Hobi... Sleep now..." He patted his back... "DK..." Namjoon gritted his teeth... "Sorry, Hobi... Our film is your last one... No more films or shows... You should sit here with our children..." He thinks while the sleeping boy's head.


Jungkook looked at the old building... "Here?"

"Yes... There is a room in it... We can stay there." Jungguk walked towards the building with his mobile flash.

Jungkook stared at him... Then followed him.

"Do you know where Jyun is?" Jungguk asked.

"I don't know, hyung... Let's go home... I don't like this place."

"You just said you need—"

"No..." Jungkook shouted a little bit... "Let's go back," he said... He even forgot to take his phone from Kim's house.

"Don't worry, Kooki... We don't know what's happening? Let's stay tonight then we call Appa... Cold..." Jungguk held his brother's hand and walked inside... As he said, there's a room in that flat which was furnished.

"Let me call Appa first..." Jungguk called his Dad... "Yes, Dad... Eunwoo said... I am safe now... Jiyun? Oh, that's great... Not now... We can meet in the morning... Yes..." He cut the call... "Jiyun goes to Japan with urgent work..."

"Oh... Do you have water with you, hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"I forgot to take it from the car... Wait here..." Jungguk walked outside...

Jungkook roamed around the flat... It was a two-bedroom flat... He looked out the window and saw the car going out of the gate... "Where is he going?" Jungkook ran towards the door but it was closed... He banged on the door... It was locked from outside... He pressed his bottom belly... "My child..." He cried... "Hyung... Hyung..." He screamed and sat on the floor... "Tae..."

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