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"Police Officer Tragically Shot Dead in Apparent Case of Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound"

Jungkook read the online news... Dead! Suicide or Killed... But Taehyung was with me, he sighed and made himself believe that Eunwoo killed himself... God... He lay on the bed again ... What the hell am I doing? This was not my plan... He was confused and doubtful.

"Baby..." Tae kissed his head...

"Tae..." Jungkook looked at him... "You are my brother's husband, he's still alive..."

"Oh... I never loved him, he never loved me... We got married for the sake of our lives...".


"It's okay, Kooki... Don't think too much... You look so tired..." Taehyung stood up from the bed and carried the boy towards the washroom.


Yoongiya... Taehyung calls the boy lovingly... He himself cleans the boy and makes him wear new clothes... He places soft kisses on the boy's body... "I am always with you..."

Jungkook stares at him... "He's treating Yoongi like a child or something..."

"Feed him properly... Don't allow anyone to see you except family..." Tae orders the nurse.

"Yes, boss..." She nods her head...

Taehyung and Jungkook sit at the breakfast table with the others. "Where is Hoseok hyung?" Jungkook asks.

"He's in his room... He had vomiting just now..." Namjoon said.

Mrs. Park stares at her son... "Something changed in him... No usual chirps, just eating in silence... maybe he's scared of kidnapping..." She thinks, but the purple marks on his neck confuse her... She's too scared to question.

After breakfast... Jin and Park go to the office... Namjoon heads towards the studio. Taehyung is on leave for two to three weeks so he sends Jungkook instead of him to the office...

Jungkook just does what Sofia asked him to do... In the afternoon, he gets a call from Kang.

"I will come to your home," Jungkook said...

Jungkook stops his car in front of the house and walks inside... He sees Kang and two girls in the living room.

"How did he die, Jungkook?" Kang asked.

"I don't know... Yesterday night Taehyung took me from the house... Today morning I got to know about his death."

"You know the modus operandi of the Kims... Kim Seokjin sketches the people, Taehyung traps them, and Namjoon is the assassin," Kang said...

"His sisters were taken to St. Ains orphanage by Sophia... Tae's secretary," Ms. Choi added.

Jungkook looks at them...

"Jungkook, you have time... You can kill them easily... Now the ball is in your court."

Jungkook doesn't say anything... "I am going," he walks outside...

"Kill three of them... That was their plan... Because they killed their beloved..." Jungkook stops in front of a medical shop and buys high-dose sleeping pills...

Money! It's important for everyone... If you are rich, then everything is easy for you... But for me, it was Taehyung... I saw him with my hyung first at school... I liked him... No, I fell for him... I always tried to meet with him, but I couldn't... One day, everything changed... My hyung went with him... I was angry, jealous, and sad... Then I lost my father and mother... My brother too... I fought with my brother, he accidentally fell into the river from the boat... I thought he died but... Jungkook leans back into the seat... "Why do you always come between us, Yoongi?" He stops the car in front of the Kim mansion and walks into Yoongi's room...

"Hyungi..." He calls him in a whisper... "Why did you come back to make my life turmoil?" He asked slowly and kissed his brother's cheeks... "Sorry..." He added, putting some sleeping pills in Yoongi's tablet bottle... "I'm sorry..." He whispered again...


"How are you now?" Namjoon asked his husband.

"I'm good... Why are you making me sit in this room like this?"

"Do you want to lose our child like Taehyung and Jungkook did?" Joon asked.

"No... But Joon... I'm perfectly alright... I can do everything, but you are..."

"Hobi..." Joon kissed his forehead... "Just six more months, then you can be free... This is for our child, buddy... Just stay here..." He smiles...

"Yeah..." Hoseok leans into his husband's chest. "His film got released... People are praising him for his acting... He's getting so many offers but his husband makes him sit at home... Without contacting anyone... Without seeing and enjoying his success himself... Just sitting in his room with his child."

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