Chapter 97

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DG's match point game-

SLG chose the red side of their own volition, most likely so that they could have the last pick to counter DG.

DG stuck with blue. The pressure on SLG was much greater in this round, so no one would be able to guess if SLG would pull out some incredible new stunts to stun the crowd. Of course, with all that pressure on them, it was just as feasible that SLG would play it safe and choose a very stable team comp.

But DG wouldn't change their own plans because of this uncertainty. DG had been playing well in this match, after all. As long as their players stayed in a good state and maintained their momentum, they would be able to handle everything the other side threw at them.

Both sides banned more or less the same champions as they did in the previous three games.

But SLG did let one pick remain up for grabs-Elise, with whom Lu Zhe had won last year's world championship title.

When the time to pick came around, DG immediately took Elise. SLG had been so courteous as to leave her unbanned. How could DG turn that kind invitation down?

Once DG made that choice, SLG took Lee Sin and LeBlanc.

Everyone in the audience shifted restlessly when those picks came out. Both were popular champions for the jungle and middle lane respectively, and popular choices for all teams to practice with. But each individual player had a different style with them.

Soon, both teams began to take shape-

DG had Mordekaiser, Elise, Syndra, Ezreal, and Nautilus.

SLG, on the other hand, had Lee Sin, LeBlanc, Varus, and Tahm Kench. Only their top lane champion had yet to be chosen.

"Everyone knows champions with a longer range are more effective against Mordekaiser," said one domestic commentator. "Jayce, Gangplank, Kennen, and so on. I think Kennen would be a solid pick. They have Lee Sin and LeBlanc on their side, anyway. If they can't take our top laner on alone, they can force a 3v3. Kennen stuns the enemy, and then Lee Sin and LeBlanc come in for the kill. It would be anyone's game."

The live commentator in the domestic stream earnestly gave an analysis of SLG's options, but this was still only the analysis of an outsider. What SLG would choose in the end depended entirely on their coach's advice.

The cursor skittered back and forth over the big screens at the venue, hovering over Jayce, Gangplank, Kennen, Camille Ferros, and so on. It almost seemed to be teasing the crowd.

With just five minutes left on the timer, a choice was made.

Shauna Vayne.

It was a pick that baffled the whole audience.

"Shauna... Vayne... this is... this is a little unexpected. Are they playing by BLX's book? After seeing Lucian in the middle lane, we're seeing Vayne in the top lane in this year's world championship? Although we all know that Vayne can play quite effectively against Mordekaiser, you rarely ever see that outside of ranked matches. It's given us quite a scare."

"SLG still had that trick up their sleeve. They really want to win, huh? Just... how badly does their coach want their own top laner to destroy Wolfy?"

The two commentators were caught between crying and laughing. At the same time, DG's voice chat was silent.

While the game loaded, Qian Bao finally said, "Stay calm."

Old Wo joked, "Man, if I were you, Daddy Wolf, I wouldn't put up with this."'

Er-Hua calmly suggested, "How about this? If we win this one, we'll tell the coach to let our beloved top laner cut loose? Let him pick his long-hidden Soraka or Kalista for the top."

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