Chapter 66

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DG and their new teammates became more and more of a cohesive team.
In their game against BIG, Zheng Zhizhuo masterfully used the champion Jax in the jungle, absolutely dominating the opponent's jungler and giving DG's fans hope even in Lu Zhe's absence.

Ultimately, DG defeated BIG with a score of 2-1.

After that match, Zheng Zhizhuo was chosen by the tournament organizers for the post-game interview. It would be his first appearance in an interview since he joined the team.

"When you and Moon first came to the team, netizens were concerned you wouldn't be able to get used to the rhythm of the first-string team. But based on Moon's performance last week and your performance this week, do you feel like you've started to find your groove?"

Zheng Zhizhuo smiled, showing off his pointy canines. "It's actually because the gege and jiejie of the first-string team have been taking good care of us. Regardless of whether or not we can get in the groove, I think we still have a lot of work to do. I think there's a lot I can still improve on."

The fans in the audience who saw his shy, charming smile also beamed back at him. Some waved their banners of support while others loudly cheered, "Good luck, didi! You can do it!"

Their fans had all listened to the team's voice chat recordings from their previous games, and they knew that Qian Bao liked to call their new junglers 'didi' during games.

The most silent player in these recordings was always Shen Qiao. Typically, his voice could only be heard during team fights, and even then, he only spoke up to curtly say, "Group up."

The most talkative, on the other hand, was Old Wo. Old Wo would cry out for Er-Hua's help whenever he charged in, whether or not it was a fight they could win. Er-Hua would sometimes get sick of Old Wo's voice and snap at him.

Overall, it was Qian Bao's voice that made the most lasting impression on their fans. She would always be calling out-

"Didi! Come save me! Look my way, didi!"

"Didi, come help me get this kill."

"Didi, your jiejie is coming!"

Some of the more playful netizens had already created a pack of reaction memes, which were used so widely that some people were sick of seeing the word 'didi' already. At the same time, a more deviant subset of fans had already started to ship Qian Bao and the two new kids.

There was no doubt to them that Qian Bao would be the dominant party. Although her temperament was gentle and warm, and her personality wasn't overly aggressive, she was still an alpha.

Of course, none of DG's players knew anything about this sort of fan activity.

Manager Zhou sat aside by himself, muttering under his breath while listening to Zheng Zhizhuo's interview. "There are seven games left in this stage, and we're in the same group as BLX, so we'll play BLX one more time in the last game... the current score..."

Coach Fang wandered over and glanced at the tournament schedule on Manager Zhou's phone. He chimed in, "BLX currently has the highest score, right? Besides losing to us last time, they've been going strong."

Manager Zhou nodded. "Yes, they're currently first in Group A."

"WTG, COCO, and BIG are the top three in Group B?" Coach Fang asked.

Manager hummed indecisively. "More or less, but the team in fourth is right on their tail. We'll have to wait to see how things shake out in the end, but-wait, why should we worry about them? We're not even done playing our own games yet."

Nearby, on the sofa-

Shen Qiao looked a little worn out. This game against BIG hadn't taken place in Hua City. DG had flown out to a more northern city a few days ago, where the climate was more dry and stifling. Shen Qiao practically wilted whenever he wasn't training or playing in official matches. He was unable to get his spirits up in an environment like that.

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