Chapter 9

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Big-Mouthed Zhou was practically apoplectic after seeing Lu Zhe's response.

For a long moment, he just pointed one trembling finger at Lu Zhe. Then, for another long moment, he just concentrated on remembering how to breathe, clutching his chest with one hand like he was about to collapse at any second.

The DG fans who had been trying to puzzle out the full story behind that photo weren't much better off. When Lu Zhe's response came out, they swarmed into the comments section to react. In no time at all, a slew of replies popped up.


[I was drinking water when I saw this. Spewed like a fountain. I think I hit the farthest reaches of the Milky Way. Captain, you wanna pull the other one?]

[Only you would be able to say this with a straight face, Captain.]

[Biggest joke of the year: two alphas flirting.]

[How is this flirting? What were you doing? Crossing swords? Come on, give us the deets. I'm listening.]


The comments section descended into chaos. Big-Mouthed Zhou was paralyzed by shock for a while before he recovered and admonished, "Quit making trouble for me! From now on, until the team issues a formal statement, you're forbidden from posting to Weibo! You're also forbidden from going outside! Otherwise we'll... we'll withhold your salary for the month! All of it! All of it, you hear?!"

Lu Zhe idly tugged at his earlobe, like he couldn't be bothered to listen to Manager Zhou's irritating chatter. His lips were still curved into a faint smile.

He clearly took Big-Mouthed Zhou's rage as nothing more than a childish temper that simply had to be weathered. Lightly, he said, "I've heard that getting so worked up at your age increases the risk of blood clots and stroke."

After saying that, he sighed softly and slightly furrowed his brows with a pained expression.

"Where's the trust these days?" Lu Zhe lamented. "Has mankind become so untrusting of one another?"

Big-Mouthed Zhou could practically feel the blood pressure rising in his brain. Alarms were going off in his head. He was so pissed that he could only laugh. To Lu Zhe, he said, "You want to talk about trust? You want to claim you're speaking the truth? You're barely speaking human! If I dropped to all fours and acted like a sow climbing a tree right now, I'd put on a more convincing act than you!"

Lu Zhe gave him a contemplative look. " that so?"

He stroked his slender fingers over his chin, and a look of mischief appeared in his dark eyes. His expression took on a rare hint of anticipation. "Then why don't you act it out and let me take a look?"

Big-Mouthed Zhou fell silent.

Then he exploded, "Cut the crap!"

After saying that, he spun on his heel and got ready to march out to contact their public relations team about this incident. Just as he reached the door, he heard Lu Zhe, who'd remained in place, call out from behind him:

"I have good news. Would you like to hear it?"

Big-Mouthed Zhou snorted derisively and continued stomping out. His heavy footfalls seemed to state that he would rather die than turn around.

But Lu Zhe's next words nailed him to the floor:

"Shen Qiao has agreed to come to DG."

Big-Mouthed Zhou remained frozen for a moment. Confusion and anguish flashed across his face. Then he spun sharply and raced back to Lu Zhe's side with an incredulous look. "Impossible! Why? He rejected me so adamantly when I called. And now you're saying he agreed after fighting with you today? Why don't I believe you?"

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