Chapter 54

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In the years since esports became more mainstream, players had only suffered attacks from angry netizens. It wasn't unheard of for a professional esports player to be forced into retirement by foul-mouthed haters. But who had ever heard of someone launching an offline, in-person attack against an esports player before?
DG's fans weren't the only ones shocked by the news. The whole esports world was shaken!

In that moment, all fans-national and international, regardless of which team they supported-were consumed by a feeling of rage over this event.

Today, Lu Zhe and Shen Qiao were the targets. But what about next time? Would another player from another team be targeted next?

Was this a grudge that spawned from their personal lives? Or was this an irrational attack by a crazy fan?

All fans were eager to hear the results of the investigation into the matter.

Furthermore, the teams that were present at the stadium at the time-WTG, BIG, and COCO-were even more shaken up. They'd never imagined that the simple act of traveling abroad for a tournament could harbor so many hidden dangers.

They had been right there in the stadium. They were, naturally, among the first to hear the news.

They were the first to hear that Lu Zhe's arm had been injured.

No one knew what the situation was, exactly. No one knew whether or not DG would be able to continue playing that night.


At the stadium, in WTG's rest area-

Among all the WTG players, Paopao was the one most familiar with Lu Zhe. He'd messaged Lu Zhe as soon as he heard the news, but as expected, he received no reply.

Back home, at BLX's headquarters-

When Lele heard the news, the team just so happened to be taking a break from training. He gave their coach a heads up, then slipped outside to call Shen Qiao.

But after the phone buzzed for a long while, there was no answer.

Lele called two or three times in a row until he finally had to switch over to a messaging app. To Shen Qiao, he wrote:

Qiao-ge, are you and Lu Zhe okay?

I called you a few times, but you didn't pick up. I hope you're both safe. If there's anything at all I can do to help, be sure to tell me.

After that, Lele put away his phone and returned to the training room. Mo Mo, who sat next to him, instantly asked, "How is it?"

The training room fell silent. All the other players glanced over. Even the coaches who were adjusting their training plan paused what they were doing to listen in. It was obvious everyone was very concerned about the matter.

Among them, Xu Xiao was the one who stuck his neck out the farthest from his desk. He wanted to hear the news more than anyone else.

Lele shook his head. His expression was a bit pinched. "Qiao-ge didn't take my calls. He's probably still busy. The statement from the league officials didn't say anything about his condition or Lu Zhe's condition. I can't exactly just guess."

Mo Mo sighed. His eyes darkened with gloom.

The mood in the training room plummeted for a while.

Many other teams were feeling the same thing in that moment.

Until another half hour passed-

Team DG released an official statement on the matter, detailing the incident and its outcome:

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