Chapter 95

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WTG made it through.
The matchups for the semifinals would be drawn randomly. Of the four teams who made it to the top, two were LPL teams-WTG and DG. The other teams in the semifinals were SLG, who'd previously defeated BLX, and Z1 from the European division.

On the day of the draw, DG's players were all on edge. They didn't want to clash against WTG again so soon-

One reason was that they were both teams from the same region, who'd clashed in the spring and summer tournaments already. They often played practice matches against each other as well. Even though they hadn't arranged any practice games against each other since the start of the world championship tournament, they knew each other's tactics and strategies very well. They'd fought in best-of-one, best-of-three, and best-of-five style matches before, making it so that they truly knew each other inside and out.

The second reason was that if they met in the semifinals, it meant only one team from the LPL would make it to the finals. Either DG would eliminate WTG, or WTG would eliminate DG.

The loser would definitely be devastated.

DG wasn't the only team thinking this way. WTG didn't want to meet them in the semifinals either. After all, DG hadn't played well against them in the spring tournament due to Fish's unexpected condition. And in the summer tournament, Lu Zhe had been out with an injury. WTG didn't get to face off against DG at their full strength during either of those games. When DG played in their 'complete' form, as defined by all the big commentators in the industry, there were no guarantees of victory for WTG.

And it seemed a higher power heard the wishes of these two giants of the LPL-

The results of the draw came out.

DG vs SLG.

WTG vs Z1.

As soon as the official announcement came out, the domestic esports circle whipped themselves into an excited frenzy.

[Charge!!! I want to see our LPL take the finals this year!!!]

[Let my dreams come true without any suspense, okay? I want to see our LPL dominate this year!]

[WTG, go! DG, go! Fans of both sides should strike a truce right now and support both teams, to cheer on the LPL together. PS: Obviously we'll be enemies again if we meet in the finals!]

[Wolf Cub! The time has come to avenge your former teammates!]

[Let's set a small goal first, okay? I just want us to take home a biiiiiig trophy. That's totally doable, right? SlightSmile.jpg]


In addition to the voices of the fans, the official Weibo accounts of the two LPL teams also shared the official announcement of the semifinals match-ups and cheered each other on.

@DGeSportsClub: Show no fear of daunting peaks. The view from the highest mountains... I want to see it again. DG, good luck! @WTGeSportsClub Brothers, see you in the finals!

WTG shared the same message and added their team's logo, echoing DG through the comments-

Brothers, see you in the finals!

The fiery atmosphere scorched the land and sky.

Besides the fans that continued to spew hatred and vitriol in the comments of BLX's official Weibo, all the other fans of the LPL rallied around WTG and DG, cheering them on and wishing them smooth victories in the semifinals so that they could meet at the finals-the peak of their world.

The personal accounts of BLX's players were completely silent during this time. None of them wanted to stick their necks out and draw the storm of ire to themselves. At most, the braver players would host a livestream, weathering the storm of insults that inevitably came through the bullet comments.

When an Alpha is Marked  by One of His Own KindDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora