Chapter 46

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Shen Qiao was enveloped by that soft, refreshing cedarwood scent. Finally, he was being drawn away from the floral scent that had assaulted his senses. But the itch on his neck, arms, and face lasted, making him want to scratch himself all over.
He could only force himself to focus on something, anything else. He lifted his head and gazed at the player Hank from beneath the veil of Lu Zhe's jacket.

If he'd had any doubt earlier, that was gone now. With Lu Zhe's arrival, Shen Qiao became sure of one thing-

This other player was deliberately pushing his pheromones in Shen Qiao's direction.

With every word Hank spoke, Shen Qiao had felt a stronger burst of those pheromones wafting towards him. The floral scent kept trying to trigger a response from his own glands.

It was common knowledge that alphas could be influenced by an omega's pheromones. An omega's pheromones could create an extremely powerful sense of desire within an alpha, practically causing the alpha to lose the ability for rational thought and driving them mad with the impulse to mark the omega.

Shen Qiao had come to the realization that this was a targeted assault because of the diffusion of the omega's pheromones. Based on the severity of his own allergic reaction, he could tell that the omega was emitting large amounts of pheromones. If the omega hadn't specifically been targeting him, then those pheromones would have been detected by the spectators in the front row of the audience a long time ago.

But no.

Shen Qiao was the only one in the whole stadium who seemed to be affected. It was obvious that the other party was directly aiming his pheromones at Shen Qiao.

"Don't move..." Lu Zhe urged. He could see that Shen Qiao was trying to rub his itching arm against the cool wall as they passed. He pulled Shen Qiao into his own arms. Obvious anxiety swam through his eyes as he reached for his phone with his other hand, gripping so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

Just now, he'd received word that there was no doctor at the stadium who was available to deal with a pheromone-related emergency. So Lu Zhe had called for a car, preparing to take Shen Qiao to a hospital right away.

Shen Qiao's gaze returned to Lu Zhe. His brows were tightly drawn, and his voice was extremely soft, giving off the wrong idea that he wanted to be pampered and spoiled.

"It itches," he mumbled.

Lu Zhe's heart was in such a panic that he practically half-carried Shen Qiao towards the exit backstage. He tried to keep his voice calm and soothing, but he couldn't fully suppress a tremor as he said, "Bear with it, be good. I called a driver. We'll go to the hospital right now. Do you have your medicine with you?"

Shen Qiao nodded. "In my bag."

His condition was so severe at that moment that there was no telling whether his usual medicine would have any effect. It wouldn't kick in right away, and it might not even temporarily inhibit the intensity of Shen Qiao's allergic reaction. But Lu Zhe had no choice but to try anything and everything to help. He immediately called Manager Zhou as they continued making their way out of the stadium, asking for Shen Qiao's bag and medicine to be brought to them.

Very soon after that-

Shen Qiao and Lu Zhe followed a staff member out of the stadium. Lu Zhe accompanied Shen Qiao all the way to the team's car and opened the door to usher him inside. Manager Zhou rushed out to meet them, with a bottle of water and Shen Qiao's medicine. Lu Zhe quickly exchanged a few words with him and, after a short conversation, they all piled into the car.

Lu Zhe's eyes took in the red rash on Shen Qiao's throat, which looked so much redder and more severe under the lights in the car. There were a few streaks across that rash too, obvious signs of scratching.

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