Chapter 68

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The two idiots fell into bed together, still kissing. The sounds of their heavy breathing fell upon each other's ears.
Lu Zhe was pressed back against the sheets by Shen Qiao. When they parted, he gazed up at Shen Qiao, who hovered just a short distance away. A wide smile spread across Lu Zhe's lips.

"Are you trying to take advantage of me while I'm injured, Qiaoqiao-didi?" he teased.

Shen Qiao had one hand planted against the sheets by Lu Zhe's head. His fingers curled, creasing the fabric. His gaze drifted to the side, and his throat bobbed as he swallowed.

After a moment, he answered in a slightly strained voice, "...I'm not. And don't call it such a gross thing."

"Oh, sure," Lu Zhe murmured good-naturedly. His gaze flickered down. He could clearly feel that Shen Qiao was doing his very best to control himself, but Lu Zhe wanted nothing more than to throw some oil on the fire. "Qiaoqiao."

His voice was soft, and he intentionally adopted a slightly low and suggestive tone. He pushed himself up with his uninjured arm, lifting his upper body and nipping at Shen Qiao's Adam's apple.

"You really don't want to?" he whispered.

As that question fell, the scent of mint spread out through the entire room. It bore down on the person pressed to the sheets, as though that scent alone could subdue Lu Zhe and make him behave.

Lu Zhe kissed Shen Qiao's throat again. A slight smile played across his lips. Shen Qiao's pheromones were spilling over, and Lu Zhe was clearly the one pinned down right now. But Lu Zhe unleashed his pheromones as well, letting them meet Shen Qiao's in an equally powerful wave, not backing down in the slightest.

After receiving those two kisses, Shen Qiao really couldn't bear it any longer. He lifted a hand and pressed Lu Zhe back against the bed, shifting his gaze down to Lu Zhe's injured arm.

"You wanna lose that arm?" he rasped. His voice was nearly hoarse beyond recognition.

Lu Zhe's fingers twitched. A thoughtful look filled his eyes. When Shen Qiao took in that expression, he could tell that something was up. He cupped Lu Zhe's chin suddenly, lowering his head until his forehead nearly brushed Lu Zhe's. His own erratic breathing spilled across Lu Zhe's face.

Shen Qiao slowly parted his lips and murmured, in a voice thick with his repressed desires, "Be good."

"Sure," Lu Zhe answered without hesitation.

Without pausing, he blinked up at Shen Qiao and suggested, "I'll be good, that's fine. So, how about... you take the lead?"

Shen Qiao blinked back.

Then he huffed a laugh, breathing out an almost disdainful scoff through his nose. He turned and suddenly bit down on Lu Zhe's shoulder, with no small amount of force. It was a hard enough bite to make Lu Zhe stiffen up all over.

Shen Qiao relaxed his jaw then, tracing Lu Zhe's pheromones back to their source. He nosed at the glands at the nape of Lu Zhe's neck and softly threatened, "You really want to tempt me right now? The pain of having your glands bitten is a hundred times worse than the bite I just gave you. Do you really want to try me?"

Lu Zhe fell silent.

He suddenly remembered that he'd once seen Shen Qiao fighting back when they were in school. Shen Qiao had sustained a pretty large wound on his back during that fight, with lots of splintered wood breaking his skin. When he went to the hospital to get it treated, he hadn't even frowned.


Later on, when he was marked by Lu Zhen, Shen Qiao had cried. His tears had flowed freely.

When Lu Zhe thought of that, the nape of his neck suddenly felt cold.

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