Chapter 92

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In the second round against OW, Team DG didn't make many changes to their team comp. OW didn't seem to think their loss in the first round could be attributed to issues in the picks and bans stage either. They stubbornly banned the same heroes as before.
Even the first champions to be selected were the same.

Since OW was determined to be hardheaded, DG's players decided they didn't mind teaching OW a lesson-

It was impossible for OW to do as they planned and drag this game out to the late stages. DG wouldn't give them all that time to build up an advantage.

The first three champions were set. The two Chinese commentators saw these choices unfold and remarked, "The first three for each side... are basically the same as the last round, no? They're copying it all?"

The viewers in the bullet comments were exceptionally calm.

[OW: I just won't believe it, unless you win again!]

[DG: Sure, let's go again!]

[Is OW in a rush to lose and go shopping for a friend?]

[Oh? Lee Sin has been banned this time, huh? Who's DG going to play in the jungle?]


As spectators eagerly watched on, the two teams finalized their lineups for the second round.

OW had grabbed Aatrox for the top lane, Jarvan IV for the jungle, Zoe for the middle lane, and Ezreal and Leona for the bottom lane.

DG chose to go with Gragas, Syndra, Varus, and Thresh. Only the top lane champion remained undecided.

Their lineup was less tanky this time.

Both Gragas and Thresh could initiate fights.

"Do you want to take a tank or an assassin?" Coach Fang asked Shen Qiao.

If Shen Qiao chose a tanky champion, their lineup would be more balanced. If Shen Qiao went with an assassin like Akali, they could completely dismantle OW's strategy by offing the glass canons on their side.

However, setting aside a player's individual skill, one would see that assassins were actually at a disadvantage against champions like Aatrox in this season. Aatrox had a three-hit skill that could instantly destroy a fragile enemy if he got close enough. In early-game, brittle champions would definitely struggle against him.

But Coach Fang offered Shen Qiao the option to choose an assassin because he'd seen how Shen Qiao played these champions in the past. He knew that Shen Qiao could be very effective in team fights down the line, as long as he was able to get going.

Er-Hua moved the cursor around the screen a bit, hovering over Ornn-one of the tanky champions Shen Qiao had been practicing with as of late. Then he clicked over to Akali, which Shen Qiao had also used before.

The commentators were momentarily stunned.

"Ornn would be no problem. Wolf Cub does an outrageous amount of damage with Ornn, after all. But this Alkali... he would be facing off against an Aatrox, you know."

"With this lineup, taking a tank would give them a bit more security, wouldn't it? Wait, now they're hovering over Lucian? What do they mean by that? DG, don't go scaring me now!"

At just that moment, Shen Qiao heard Coach Fang say, "No. Jarvan IV focused on ganking the top lane in the last round. If you choose an AD champion here, Lu Zhe will have to stay very close to the top lane. The other side will be able to predict that very easily. Keep a cool head, Wolfy."

Shen Qiao glanced at the countdown timer. Only ten seconds remained. He slowly ventured, "Then... Vladimir?"

Coach Fang could put his mind at ease with that. "That works."

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