Chapter 94

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In one fell swoop, SLG practically knocked BLX out.
The gap between their teams grew even wider.

SLG also took advantage of their win in the group fight to destroy BLX's mid-lane inner tower.

BLX knew where they stood. They knew they had to turn things around. But SLG had positioned their wards very cleverly, giving themselves a good view of the jungle. When the third dragon spawned, their champions were ready to engage. They swapped lanes amongst themselves and made good use of the increased damage they got from new gear. They were absolutely ready for the next fight over a dragon.

Or maybe...

It would be Baron Nashor.

During this time, BLX couldn't find a good opportunity to initiate a fight. At most, Xu Xiao and their mid-laner could group up to try to gank Mordekaiser in the bottom lane. But Mordekaiser had a lot of HP at this point. When he was badly wounded, a teammate teleported in to assist. BLX's attempt at a gank failed, and they had to swiftly retreat before they gave up any more of their own lives.

Currently, SLG's equipment was nearing the third tier, while BLX's was still lagging behind on the second. If things continued like this, BLX would need a miracle. Otherwise, SLG would snowball their way straight to BLX's base.

"BLX has to be trying to figure out where they should start their next fight, right? SLG's wards are all near Baron Nashor. How about trying to go for a team fight there?" Old Wo mused. He stroked his chin as he tried to put himself in BLX's shoes.

"SLG has a visual on that area, BLX definitely won't be able to steal Baron Nashor. They'll have to duke it out. But... Lee Sin would be quick to arrive. It would be pretty risky, wouldn't it? SLG could take Baron Nashor instead," Er-Hua said, checking the position of the wards on the map. Judging by BLX's equipment, and their speed of slaying dragons, he couldn't help but worry that BLX wouldn't get much-not out of trying to kill Baron Nashor, and not out of trying to force a team fight.

Unless everyone on SLG suddenly got drunk, they wouldn't give BLX a chance to come back.

"BLX took the cloud dragon, huh..."

That season, the cloud dragon's buff increased movement speed. It wasn't much help against Baron Nashor. At best, it could help BLX flee faster or chase after people.

Zheng Zhizhuo raised his eyebrows. "Baron Nashor is out. SLG is heading in that direction."

"They want to force a fight with BLX? That works. BLX could go up and get into that fight when Baron Nashor is at sixty or seventy percent HP. If SLG are around at that time, BLX can take a stand. Rek'Sai carries, Aatrox does some damage... Xayah will have to chip in. SLG will be taking damage from Baron Nashor too, after all," Zhao Yue said, thinking of the best case scenario for BLX.

But was this something BLX could actually execute in reality?

Shen Qiao subconsciously squeezed the plastic cup in his hands. He'd already finished the water inside. The cup made a crinkling sound, but even that didn't draw Shen Qiao's gaze away from the screen. He watched as SLG got ready to engage Baron Nashor.

Mordekaiser only landed a few hits with his teammates before he wandered off to wait by the river. When Aatrox arrived, Mordekaiser reeled him in right away.

And when Xayah and Rakan rushed up, Mordekaiser sealed Xayah away in the blink of an eye.

BLX were caught off-guard.

Aatrox hesitated for a moment. He wasn't sure if he should wait for Xayah to get out of Mordekaiser's prison, so that they could take care of Mordekaiser together, or if he should charge into battle against the rest of SLG's champions.

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