Chapter 58

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The rain stopped in the middle of the night.
By noon of the next day, the members of Team DG had gotten out of bed. They were getting ready to head out of the hotel and make their way to the airport to go home. The blazingly bright sun hung high in the sky outside. The sky was so clear that it was like the previous day's heavy rainfall hadn't happened at all. Only glittering dewdrops remained on the green leaves of nearby bushes and shrubs.

Perhaps Lu Zhe, compared to the last time he and Shen Qiao shared a bed, was just as eager to keep Shen Qiao in his arms, but lacked the physical strength to do so with his injured arm. In the morning, when Shen Qiao woke, he found it much easier to extricate himself from Lu Zhe's embrace.

Once again, Shen Qiao hadn't managed to sleep with his head on the pillow that night. Lu Zhe had been dead set on going to sleep with his arm around Shen Qiao, pillowed under his neck. Shen Qiao couldn't get comfortable in that position no matter what, and he wound up gradually squirming down bit by bit, lower and lower, until he wound up curled up in the middle of the bed again.

Shen Qiao sat up from the center of the bed and threw off the covers. He turned to take in the sight of the still-sleeping Lu Zhe, whose brows were faintly furrowed in a way that they rarely were. Lu Zhe's injured arm was hanging off the other side of the bed, and his left arm was stretched out across the snow-white sheets. The covers had pooled at his waist, revealing his light blue pajama shirt, which had the top two buttons undone.

A dim lamp was lit on the nightstand. Fearing Lu Zhe would need to get up for something in the middle of the night, Shen Qiao had adjusted that lamp to the lowest setting and kept it on all night. The blackout curtains in the room were still drawn shut. At the moment, that lamp was the only source of light in the hotel room.

That soft, hazy light illuminated the beautiful features of Lu Zhe's face, shadowed by his loose bangs.

A long shadow fell beneath his sharp jawline, sweeping over the curve of his neck. Only a sliver of titillating skin was visible above his collarbone.

Lu Zhe had always been paler than Shen Qiao, and he'd never been fond of many outdoor activities. These days, he worked and played in front of a computer monitor. That visible sliver of skin was so pale now that it looked almost translucent.

It made Shen Qiao think of the white jade that could be found in luxury jewelry stores.

But softer. Much softer than white jade. One had to wonder what it would feel like, to bite down right there.

Shen Qiao stared at Lu Zhe for a long while before climbing out from under the covers and rolling out of bed. He stepped into his slippers and started making his way to the bathroom, but stopped halfway-

He turned and made his way back to the bed, grabbing the covers to tuck Lu Zhe in properly. He pulled the covers all the way up to Lu Zhe's neck and even made sure to tuck in the corners.

Lu Zhe hadn't been sleeping too deeply. He instinctively reached out with one hand, but the person beside him was long gone.

Only the sound of the faucet, being wrenched on in the bathroom, sounded out.


More than forty minutes later-

Shen Qiao brushed his teeth after showering. He came out with some water droplets still clinging to his skin. Right away, he saw that Lu Zhe had already changed into his team uniform. Lu Zhe was sitting at the edge of the bed, looking down at his phone. Shen Qiao wasn't surprised to see him up. His voice was a little low and raspy as he asked, "I'll turn on the light?"

Lu Zhe lifted his head to look at him. His expression didn't change much at first, but his warm, familiar smile was already lighting up his face when he looked up.

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