Chapter 62

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Even late at night, the lights on one side of the cafeteria would always be lit, left on specifically for esports players.
Everyone knew these kids often trained until three or four in the morning, so the HQ's cafeteria remained open until 1:00 AM every night. One or two cooks would stay late just to make sure that the players had something to eat when they got hungry for a midnight snack. It wouldn't do for them to randomly order takeout and upset their stomachs with bad food.

Currently, Qian Bao was standing by the orders window with the new kids from the second-string team. She held a snack menu in her hand and ordered over a dozen things in one breath-lamb skewers, beef skewers, chicken wings, duck chins, and on and on and on. Once she was finished, she shoved the menu into Zheng Zhizhuo's hand.

The two kids hadn't originally wanted anything to eat, but when Qian Bao insistently placed the menu in front of them, they could only lower their gazes and take a look.

The cook taking Qian Bao's order scribbled everything down and peered out through the window to ask, "You want that spicy?"

"Of course!" Qian Bao instinctively answered. "Lethally spicy."

After saying that, she suddenly remembered their last team hot pot trip and quickly added, "Actually, wait. I need some of that to be not spicy... ah, can you two handle spicy stuff?"

Zheng Zhizhuo and his little buddy glanced at each other. They both nodded.

One of them came from a family in a region that was famous for its spicy food. The other was used to traveling all over the place and experiencing new things with his family, so he'd grown accustomed to eating anything and everything.

Qian Bao took in their answers, then turned back to the cook and held up one hand with all five fingers raised. "Okay, so out of what I just ordered, make five of the skewers not spicy."

"Who can't handle spice?" Zhao Yue asked curiously.

Qian Bao jerked her right thumb over her shoulder, gesturing for the new kids to look over at their other teammates, who'd already settled at a table. She thought back to their hot pot dinner again and deliberately adopted a secretive tone.

"You guys wanna guess?"

At that time, Old Wo had already shuffled over to check on them. He hadn't overheard their conversation, so he only asked, "Did you order congee?"

Qian Bao slowly shook her head and seriously declared, "Skewers are the best. Why would I order congee?"

Old Wo stopped behind the two kids and, using the height advantage that came naturally to alphas, peered over their shoulders at the menu. Then he raised his voice and called out to the cook, "Add a serving of seafood congee."

After making his order, he shot Qian Bao a disapproving look and righteously chided, "It's not good for the body to eat skewers so late at night. Obviously it's best to have some light congee, to soothe your stomach."

That was how one preserved their good health, after all.

Qian Bao expressionlessly gave him a thumbs up. "Only you, man. Only you."

She had every faith that Old Wo could continue to watch over the team's health even if Manager Zhou retired one day.

Zheng Zhizhuo and Zhao Yue were still in the middle of whispering about who could be the teammate who couldn't handle spicy food.

"It couldn't be Captain Lu, right? He looks like the type that would get red in the face when he eats spicy food."

"Did you forget? Captain Lu ate with us that one time, when he came to give the second-string team some guidance. He ate the same thing as we did for lunch. Seemed like he could handle spicy food just fine."

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