Chapter 63

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"Lu Zhe!"
Shen Qiao ground out Lu Zhe's name through gritted teeth while holding a skewer of non-spicy grilled fish, with the gazes of Old Wo and the others, including the two kids who may or may not have been of age, fixed raptly on him.

Only Lu Zhe could tell that Shen Qiao was seethingly embarrassed.

Lu Zhe knew to quit while he was ahead. He smiled and good-naturedly answered, "Hm?"

Shen Qiao gave him a warning in the form of an icy glare. "If you don't speak for one minute, no one will think you're mute."

Lu Zhe wiped the smile off his face and very, very innocently said, "But if I don't speak, how will everyone know this adorable person is my boyfriend?"

Shen Qiao was momentarily rendered speechless. It was unclear whether he had been stunned into silence by Lu Zhe's audacity, or by the word 'adorable'.

However, the onlookers did start to voice their protests-

Qian Bao chimed in, "Are the skewers not good? Did we not order enough for a midnight snack? Why do you have to serve us dog food too?"

Old Wo bitterly added, "All the world's dog lovers are sending you strongly worded letters of condemnation right now.

Even Er-Hua muttered, "Geh."

After their initial moment of bewilderment, Zheng Zhizhuo and Zhao Yue quickly got with the program. They erased their self-proclaimed labels of '#1 Wolf Cub Fan' and '#1 Captain Lu Fan' and swiftly replaced them with brand new bright, glittery labels. They were now-

CP Fan #1, and CP Fan #2.


Time slowly ticked by until the hands on the clock pointed to 11:10 PM.

After finishing their midnight snack and dog food, the members of Team DG trudged into the training room. Although Coach Fang had let them off the hook for the night, the players themselves were extremely preoccupied with their performance from earlier that night.

They would review the game on their own.

At the end of the day, there had been nothing wrong with their pre-game tactics. It was simply a combination of various slips and errors during the match that ultimately landed them in a horrible mess.

Qian Bao went out of her way to set time aside for practice matches with their two new junglers. "Little Zhuo, when you're done queueing up with Wolf Cub, come over to jiejie for a while. We'll try a few plays together. A-Yue, you too. Come find me when you're done with Captain Lu."

She felt like she hadn't been in sync with their junglers at all during their games that night, and as a result the synergy between their middle laner and jungler was always lacking. She wanted to properly observe the two kids' jungling techniques and better understand the rhythm of their plays.

Old Wo decided to do some individual training, to keep his hands trained up.

Er-Hua felt like his own performance with Braum had been lacking that day. He decided to get on the Korean server and practice some other champions.

On the way back to the training room, Lu Zhe and Shen Qiao fell behind the others again.

There was no air conditioning along the way, but cool air from the cafeteria and other rooms did drift into the hallway. Although the air in the halls couldn't exactly be called refreshing, it wasn't downright stifling either.

Insects buzzed outside the window, cheerfully screeching into the night. The cacophony gave off the impression that the natural habitats in the area around DG's headquarters was quite well-preserved.

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