Chapter 43

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Lu Zhe had to admire Shen Qiao's memory. Shen Qiao always remembered what he shouldn't, and forgot what he was supposed to remember.
"You only think of it as me cursing you," Lu Zhe pointed out helplessly. He massaged his temples as a warm, affectionate smile curved his eyes. "Can't you see it as me coaxing you to stop smoking?"

Shen Qiao scoffed coldly and looked away from Lu Zhe. He turned his gaze to the pedestrians walking around them, and he answered disinterestedly, "Oh, I'm so sorry. You coaxed me so politely. How could I have missed your deeper, kinder meaning."

The word 'kinder' was laced with no small amount of emphatic sarcasm.

As soon as he heard Shen Qiao's response, Lu Zhe knew he was in for a world of trouble. He instinctively wanted to sweet talk Shen Qiao's bad mood away, but by the time Lu Zhe lifted a hand, Shen Qiao had already stomped off. His steps were hurried and hasty; it was obvious he was trying to leave Lu Zhe behind.

Lu Zhe shook his head and quickened his own pace, catching up to Shen Qiao in long strides. From behind Shen Qiao, he lowered his voice and called out, "Don't walk so fast. Do you know where you're going?"

Shen Qiao had originally planned on giving Lu Zhe the cold shoulder for a while. At that question, he ground to a sudden halt and stuffed both hands into his pockets. With a cold smile curving his lips, he asked, "What, I don't deserve to eat just because I don't know the way?"

Lu Zhe was silent.

He lowered his head and sighed before answering, "No, I'm the one who doesn't deserve to eat."

After all, did a person who had just made their future wife angry deserve to eat? Certainly not.

Lu Zhe reflected upon his own actions in his mind, then glanced at the people passing by outside their hotel. In a sweeter tone, one that obviously begged to be forgiven, he soothed, "Don't be mad. I was wrong."

Shen Qiao didn't say another word. He marched away from their hotel and headed towards the first okay-ish restaurant he saw. It was obvious that he'd already lost interest in the restaurant Lu Zhe had mentioned. He just wanted to eat his fill somewhere, fast, and get back to the game.

Lu Zhe touched his own nose again. He didn't dare say anything else to provoke Shen Qiao. He caught up once more, following Shen Qiao in silence. At the convenient restaurant Shen Qiao chose, Lu Zhe sat quietly and handed Shen Qiao the menu. He poured drinks for Shen Qiao, he unpackaged the cutlery for both of them-behaving like the perfect little bride.



After returning to their hotel and getting out of the elevator, Lu Zhe checked their surroundings to make sure they were alone. It was only then that he reached out for Shen Qiao's arm. But Shen Qiao easily dodged his attempt and fished out a card key from his pocket, intending to head back to his own hotel room for a shower before training some more.

Shen Qiao opened his door, then moved to close it-

Only to have Lu Zhe forcibly squeeze his way inside.

Shen Qiao looked back at Lu Zhe. His gaze was still mercilessly cold. However, that cutting glare had no effect on the thick-skinned Lu Zhe. Not only was he undeterred, he even continued to smile cheekily at Shen Qiao.

Just looking at that grin made Shen Qiao want to give Lu Zhe a beating. He'd just decided to continue ignoring Lu Zhe's antics when Lu Zhe suddenly seemed to read his mind.

Lu Zhe took two steps closer and lowered his voice to whisper. "Don't hit me in the face. There's a game the day after tomorrow."

Shen Qiao said nothing.

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