Chapter 86

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Late that night.
Shen Qiao got on his alt account on the Korean server and randomly used Kai'Sa to play a match as the top laner. Afterwards, he stared at his own battle record with a deeply thoughtful expression.

Lu Zhe, sitting next to him, just so happened to finish a game of his own at that moment. He casually closed the notification that named him as the MVP of the match, then looked over to check out Shen Qiao's game results. When he glanced over...

He saw a bright declaration on the screen, showing Shen Qiao's stats.


Eight kills, eleven deaths.

If some other professional player had gotten those results in an official match, they would have been cursed into an early grave so long ago that their graves would be covered by three-inch grass.

Lu Zhe checked the champion, and-oh, it was Kai'Sa. That was alright, then.

Lu Zhe couldn't help but breathe a laugh, and Shen Qiao came back to his senses just in time to catch him. A look of irritation flashed across Shen Qiao's face.

Then, like nothing was out of the ordinary at all, Shen Qiao remarked, "Kai'Sa seems to be a little fragile in the early stages of the game."

Lu Zhe corrected, "Not a little fragile. Very fragile."

If the Kai'Sa player's jungler didn't frequently visit the top lane to help, the enemy jungler would definitely take advantage of the opportunity to gank Kai'Sa over and over again.

"But Kai'Sa can become stronger in the later stages. Her damage is pretty good," Shen Qiao continued, as though continuing a level-headed evaluation.

Lu Zhe hummed his agreement. He lifted a hand and lightly tousled Shen Qiao's hair, then helped him take off his headset. "Alright, it's three in the morning. Stop internally feuding with champions you aren't familiar with. Queue with me tomorrow, I'll help you gank."

Shen Qiao petulantly stared at the 8-11 on his screen for a while longer, like he felt this was the greatest shame of his life. He practically looked like he wanted to print out those results and plaster them to the walls of his bedroom, so that he would always remember his own failure.


On their way back, Shen Qiao's mind was full of that disastrous match he'd played with Kai'Sa. He couldn't stop regretting all his mistakes. In the end, he was so distracted that he didn't even realize Lu Zhe had followed him into his own room.

When the door gently fell shut, the scent of cedarwood gradually deepened in the room.

The only light in the room was a ceiling lamp that splashed an orange glow across the room, illuminating the occupants with a sort of ambiguous lighting that seemed to foretell what was to come.

Shen Qiao came back to his senses. He gave Lu Zhe a puzzled look.

Lu Zhe raised his eyebrows, flashing Shen Qiao a calm smile. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

Shen Qiao was silent.

His throat bobbed for no apparent reason.

He did suddenly remember the three humiliating, consecutive losses he'd taken in the fan tournament earlier that day.

Hadn't he fallen a little too far today?

But real alphas always faced the harshness of reality head-on. They didn't want to seem like a useless worm, squirming on the hook. Shen Qiao instantly jutted out his chin and marched up to Lu Zhe, grabbing the collar of his shirt and yanking him in for a fierce kiss.

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