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Shravya’s POV:

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Shravya’s POV:

The dim light cast a pall over the vast room as I feigned unconsciousness, waiting for the giant man who had slapped me to become fully drunk and doze off at the table in the corner.

“Now it’s my turn to play, you bastard,” I muttered, retrieving my dagger from its holder strapped to my thigh. With cautious steps, I approached him, ready to slit his throat if he showed any signs of waking. This bastard had to pay for laying a hand on me.

I waved my hand in front of his eyes and gently prodded him with a piece of straw, relieved when he remained lost in his stupor. “Just wait until I make your last sleep tonight,” I whispered, carefully searching his pockets until I found a cellphone.

Extracting the phone, I quickly sent a message to my husband, “Oldie Teddy, I love Meadows,” along with my location, before deleting the conversation. Thank you, Universe, for guiding me to share my location and our code word.

Hearing footsteps, I hastily returned the cellphone to its place, secured my dagger, and grabbed the alcohol bottle. I splashed some of the liquid on myself, aiming to smell like a drunk woman to sell the act. With a wink, I exchanged the bottle for the empty one before half-collapsing onto the bed, mimicking the demeanor of an inebriated woman.

“Wh-who’s there?” I slurred as a blurry figure approached in the dim light.

“It’s me, sweetheart,” the leader of the Chutiya, BKL, said as he sat beside me. Lemme prove you to guys this man is the leader of Chutiyaas in this world .

“Ba-byyy,” I hiccupped*, feigning distress.

“What happened? Shh, tell me,Why are you crying” he urged, falling into my trap . chutiya  you will cry soon

“He-he slapped me,” I wailed, clutching his collar and shaking him. Could I just strangle him?

Subconscious mind: "No, Shravya, not yet. Let your hero arrive."
Yes, dear mind, you’re right. Then I’ll chop his hands off.

“He slapped you? Why?” BKL inquired, pulling me into his embrace. I shuddered at his touch, feeling utterly repulsed.

“He slapped your, sweetheart Abhi, and you’re asking me the *hiccup* reason?” I challenged, determined not to let this delusional man fool me into thinking he was anything like my true love. “No, I am not. It’s—”

“You are *hiccup* not My Abhi. Mummmmyyyy, he is beating me. Papaaaaaa!” Where’s my Oscar? I’m playing this role to perfection.

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