One of the spider queen's skills flew at him and missed him by a hair.

While Shen Qiao returned to their base to heal, Lu Zhe battled the cloud dragon in the lower jungle without a care in the world.

Old Wo and Er-Hua faced off against the enemy Varus and Tahm. Er-Hua abruptly hooked Varus and dragged him in, at which point Old Wo attacked with his own skills!

Varus lost half his HP in the blink of an eye.

Tahm quickly caught up to rescue his team's AD!

The two sides exchanged blows, each shaving off a chunk of the enemy's health. At the same time, Lu Zhe slew the cloud dragon and went on to attack the Herald.

WTG's plan to slowly build an advantage and snowball into the lead didn't come to fruition. Instead, it was Team DG that slowly built their advantage to one thousand gold.


On the other side, WTG's voice channel-

Paopao, playing Ryze in the top lane, sobbed to his teammates: "Waaaaaah-I don't know if you guys are keeping it together, but I'm falling apart. What's with DG's playstyle recently? Does Lu Zhe plan on buying a house in the top lane and living there forever?

"Wasn't he supposed to be on bad terms with the wolf cub?"

All his teammates were speechless. Their mid laner was extremely perplexed as well-

"Rumors have betrayed us. Wasn't Money1 supposed to be a mid-lane assassin? Her running Nautilus today is really a pain in the neck."

"Ai, ai, Paopao! Keep your eyes open. Money is heading up to the top lane again."

"...bwaaahhhhhh!" Paopao cried out. "Why are they all so hungry for my body?!"

Paopao's Ryze frantically retreated to avoid giving DG another kill in the top lane. When Shen Qiao saw him backing away, he casually strolled up to their outer tower and gobbled up the minions for experience and gold.

As WTG's tower took more and more damage, Shen Qiao seemed to hear a melodious voice in the background, reporting-

+160, +160...

More and more glittering pieces of gold leapt out, jumping straight into his possession.


Qian Bao had gotten a taste for wandering freely through the rift.

When Pyke tried to barge into the jungle to interfere with Lu Zhe, Qian Bao piloted her Nautilus down and quietly shot out a hook-it hit!

Unfortunately, Nautilus's damage output in the early stages of the game wasn't that impressive, and Qian Bao had no teammates around to help her attack. She could only watch as Pyke made a hasty getaway.

Lu Zhe took note of Qian Bao's machinations on the map. He took the opportunity to sneak into the enemy jungle to attack a Gromp, only to be discovered by Tahm. The enemy Varus also suddenly changed course in the bottom lane and-

Tahm leapt out beside Lu Zhe, and Varus attacked with his Q!

Lu Zhe decisively abandoned his attack on the Gromp to make a hasty retreat, but Varus used his R to pin him down!

Tahm charged up again. Trapped in place, Lu Zhe was helpless to do anything but take the brunt of their attacks. After just a short burst of this two-pronged assault, Lu Zhe's screen grayed out.

Shen Qiao, seeing Lu Zhe become their team's first casualty of the match, lazily smiled and offered a line of narration:

"Secret Technique-HP Vanishing Act!"

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