Chapter #26: An Explanation...

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(Written By Shroom)
TW: Blood


"Scott... What is Pix talking about...?" Scott glanced over at Jimmy before looking towards the ground. "I-it... Uhm..." The llama/parrot hybrid glared toward Pix before taking a deep breath in and then out. "Well... Since I am basically being 'forced' to tell you... I, uhm, I'm a Seeker." Jimmy stared at Scott, disbelief in his eyes. Pix spoke up, their voice was firm, "Why? Why are you a Seeker?" Scott shifted around a bit, "You want the full story?" Both Pix and Jimmy nodded, causing Scott to sigh. This was going to take a while...

-Flash Back-

Scott quietly hummed as he watched his two younger siblings, Lauren and Owen, running around the bright-colored grass and flowers. He looked up towards the midnight sky. Different shades of blue and purple twirled around each other it almost looked like the colors were dancing. The stars glowed brightly against the darker sky. A smile washed over Scott's face, it was beautiful... Even though the three Starbornes only have each other, everything is perfect.

Scott was pulled from his thoughts when he heard something that sent fear through his body. He quickly looked down to the ground, his siblings... They were... Gone. Panic shot through his body as he quickly got up and searched everywhere he could. After what felt like an eternity, Scott finally found Lauren and Owen. His eyes widened when he saw the creatures that had cornered the two younger Starbornes. His fear was quickly replaced with anger. Even though, compared to the creatures, he was small, that didn't mean that he wouldn't kill both of them. Scott rushed over to his siblings, putting himself in between the creatures and his siblings.

Scott quickly pulled his sword out from its sheath. "If you take another step closer, I will not hesitate to kill you all! And I'll make sure to make your death extra slow and painful just because you messed with the wrong group of Starbornes!!" He had no idea if the creatures understood what he had said, but they hesitated. However, this didn't last for long as one of them quickly pounced towards Scott.

Scott let out a slightly surprised yelp, quickly jumping backward just in time to miss the first Seekers attack. As soon as he was able to somewhat get his bearings, another Seeker quickly jumped forward, attempting to attack Scott. Scott pulled his sword back in front of him, blocking the Seeker's attack. Using his magic, Scott rather quickly sent the creature back into a tree, making sure to slice his sword through the creature beforehand.

This ended up going on for a lot longer than Scott would have liked. One after another, the Seekers would attack him. For "Gods" they were rather weak... And not exactly the smartest... If Scott had been in charge of this attack, he would have sent in everyone at once, causing the enemy to quickly become overwhelmed by attacks. But, at the moment everything was going well for Scott...

Scott hissed in pain as one of the Seekers slashed as Scotted stomach. Ok, maybe he thought too soon... With the last of his energy, Scott swiftly ended the last few Seekers, well... All except one...

Scott gasped for air as he crouched down, an arm wrapped around his stomach. One of the creatures had managed to tear their claw-like hands into Scott's stomach while he had been distracted trying to get his siblings to leave the area. He tried to push himself up, but ultimately failed as he fell back down to his knees.

Scott looked up at the last creature as if he had managed to kill the rest of them. "What the... HELL, are you...?" The creature tilted its head. "We are Seekers. The real question is... What. Are. You. How did you manage to defeat everyone but me?" Scott scoffed, "I'm not telling you what I am. You don't deserve to know after you tried to kill my family." Scott's head fell, he was losing too much blood. "What the fuck is a Seeker...?"

The Seeker quietly laughed a bit. "A Seeker was made to kill the creatures called Watchers and the creatures called Listeners. We were made to believe that those... Vermins shouldn't have been a thing. So, we track them down using our sense of smell and, when we find them, we kill them. And you. You are perfect for this job!~"

Scott glared daggers at the Seeker, "Ha. Like I would ever help you." The Seeker scoffed, "I think you'll change your mind if I just..." The Seeker snapped its fingers, and Lauren and Owen instantly appeared in front of it. Scott's eyes widened, "You... You wouldn't..." The Seeker laughed, "Oh, but I would! Now either you agree or I kill both of them!!" Scott stared at his siblings, Lauren was quickly shaking her head while Owen just stared at Scott. Both of them looked terrified. Small tears filled Scott's eyes, "If I agree... You promise you won't hurt either of them...?" The Seeker nodded their head. Scott glanced back at the two Starbornes, before looking back at the ground. "I... I agree..."

-End of Flash Back-

Jimmy and Pix stared at Scott. Pix looked horrible for making Scott share why he had become a Seeker. Meanwhile, Jimmy's eyes were filled with sympathy. "S-Scott..." The llama hybrid quickly shook his head. "Don't... Just, don't... You already made me tell both of you why I'm a Seeker. Just..." Scott's voice cracked as he spoke. "Both of you leave. Now." Pix bowed to Scott before leaving the tavern. "Petal-" Scott pointed towards the door. "Out." Jimmy quietly sighed before bowing to Scott and quickly followed Pix and left the tavern.

965 words

If you haven't already, go get something to eat/drink and go get some sleep
I hope you all have a marvelous day/evening/night and I will see you all in the next chapter :]

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