Chapter #15: Goodbye~

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TW: Death, blood, descriptions of wounds


Jimmy's hands shook the hardest he had ever done as he stared at the epilogue of his doings. HIS OWN DOINGS. Joel had flown off like he usually does when he gets away with his own teasings, leaving Jimmy with none other than Fwhip, who was lying motionless, no more than a corpse on the dusty ground, still as stone. Dim red liquid, though less silky like water dropped on Fwhip's sage green skin, mostly staining the goblin's head with a scent of blood. There, it flowed down, slowly but surely to the surface below, turning the colors on rocks and sand a faint red.

The Sheriff's mighty gun, the one which he trusted most, fell from his hand as if it was worthless, the plastic utensils' disposal, hitting the ground with a semi-quiet thud, least in Jimmy's ears, what they can receive. Chuckling laughter blended in from his mind, and echoed throughout, though it wasn't him or anyone around him laughing. What was he thinking anyway? There isn't anyone, well alive ones, next to him right now. At least, it didn't sound like him... or anyone that he knew of... Jimmy could only stare at Fwhip's corpse for the time being, too shocked and ashamed to interact with the world. These minutes were the longest of his life as if they would never end. Intense energy shattering from his eyes, Jimmy felt, as the goblin's body vanished into thin air. His floating items sat on the blood-soaked sand, waiting to be reclaimed.

He knew he should grab Fwhip's items and put them in a chest or something like that so then they wouldn't despawn. Shaky hands of Jimmy's reached for the objects and placed them somewhere so that they wouldn't vanish like... his body. He wasn't even sure if Fwhip would even come to get them, but that was the least of his worries right now...

Jimmy pulled out his communicator. The only other people who were online were Joel and Katherine. Fwhip would respawn in a few days... Jimmy slightly shook his head. He opened up his messages with Katherine, as he sent her a quick message inviting her over. After that, he sent another message to Pix, knowing that he wouldn't see the message now, but would certainly once Pix came online... Hopefully tomorrow.

395 words

(Written By Both Shroom and Clover)

If you haven't already, go get something to eat/drink and go get some sleep
I hope you all have a marvelous day/evening/night and I will see you all in the next chapter :]

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