Chapter #17: Odd...

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(Written By Shroom)


Katherine stared at Jimmy. What does he mean? It only takes a few minutes for someone to respawn... So how had Fwhip not respawned? Katherine slightly shook her head. "O-okay... How about, for now, you come with me to GlimmerGrove? You can stay there until you feel better! Then when you feel ready, I'll help with... Well..." Katherine looked over to what used to be Tumble Town.

Jimmy's wing slightly twitched, catching the warrior princess's attention. "Since when did you have wings...?" Jimmy froze, "U-um... Can I tell you, uh, later?" Katherine sighed but nodded her head. He hesitantly turned back to the portal. "How about we get going? It's gonna be dark soon..."

-Time Skip-

"You alright back there, Sheriff?" Jimmy didn't answer. The pair had almost made it to Katherine's portal when Jimmy just stopped... He was staring into the distance. Katherine walked over to Jimmy, stopping when she stood right next to Jimmy. She looked towards what Jimmy was staring at, but nothing was there. She pulled on his sleeve, trying to get the Sheriff's attention.

Jimmy squinted as he stared at the figure. Who the hell is that? The only people who are on are me and Katherine... Who. Is. Here!? Jimmy was pulled from his trance-like state as Katherine shook him. "Jimmy!?!" The Sheriff quickly looked towards Katherine. "W-what? What happened?"

Katherine sighed, "My apologies, but you were just staring at nothing and you weren't answering me..." She slightly shook her head. "Please try not to zone out, especially when we are in the nether!" Jimmy quietly nodded, "I... I'll try." Jimmy forced himself to smile as he didn't want to worry Katherine. The princess weakly smiled back before turning and continuing to walk to her portal.

299 words

If you haven't already, go get something to eat/drink and go get some sleep
I hope you all have a marvelous day/evening/night and I will see you all in the next chapter :]

What Are You...?//ON HIATUS//Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz