Chapter #16: Poor Boy...

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(Written By Both Shroom and Clover)


Jimmy sat up in the water tower, as that had been the only thing that hadn't been blown up. He wasn't paying attention to anything that was happening around him. A buzzing sound filled his ears, slicing through the silence that had seemed to follow him from where he had been before, as the laughing that he had heard had stopped after he had realized what he had done. Jimmy slowly turned his gaze to his communicator, which was where the buzzing was coming from. Jimmy moved his hand over to grab the semi-small device that lay on the ground next to him. He turned his phone on to see a message from Katherine. The message read:

"I'm almost there! Can you meet me at your portal?"

Jimmy stared at the massage for a few seconds before finally standing up and, not really caring if anyone saw, unfolded his wings out of his back and flew towards his portal. Of course, this involved Jimmy flying over the now-destroyed Tumble Town...Jimmy did his best to not look down as he flew over it. Soon he landed in front of his portal. Before he could do anything else, Katherine walked through the portal. Upon seeing Jimmy, she let out a gasp.

"Jimmy...What...What happened... who did this to... to you?"

The ravenette's eyes gave me a sense of fear and astonishment. It was like how he reacted, wasn't it? He couldn't blame Katherine, but later concluded that he needed to tell her the truth... A part of the truth at least.

"Joel and... Fwhip blew up Tumble Town... but... it was particularly my fault... really."

Jimmy went on and told the warrior princess everything.... From the explosion to the outburst of his rage.... On Fwhip. But there was an extremely crucial part that he left out, namely the feeling of revenge, one that can take on the whole world... nope, he mentioned it as 'Just a little angry'.

Katherine stared in shock, but her face attempted to remain calm, collected, and focused. She understood the stress on Jimmy, really... though she didn't know how to express her attempted comfort. Nearly being so-called 'teased' almost daily wasn't a good thing, but sometimes letting out his emotions can help him, she knew.

"Now calm down... Fwhip will probably spawn later, right? A few minutes of delay for respawning happens sometimes... It's not your fault.... Was never... you were just stressed out and mad, so don't worry, Jimmy..."

Then came a torn, one seemed to be broken, a squeaking voice came from Jimmy, facing the floor unable to look directly at Katherine.

"But it has been at least one and a half hours since that happened..."

462 words

If you haven't already, go get something to eat/drink and go get some sleep
I hope you all have a marvelous day/evening/night and I will see you all in the next chapter :]

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