Chapter 19 No wonder it makes people think about it

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After inviting the matchmaker to her home, Qi Cuiqiao accompanied her for a while and then expressed her purpose. The matchmaker is also unambiguous, saying bluntly that there was no match in these ten miles and eight villages that she couldn't match. "I, Chai Meixin, have been a matchmaker for many years, and I have always been able to make both parties happy. They will get married in half a month, and have two children in three years!" "I just don't know which family my young girl is interested in..." Yang Dazhuang didn't think of the name Qianyuan his daughter mentioned for a moment. After hesitating for a while, he only remembered a name, "Shang... his surname is Shang."  

As for who Shang was, he couldn't remember for a long time, so he could only scratch his head and look to his wife for help. When Chai Meixin heard the surname Shang, she was very sensitive and took the tea handed to him by Qi Cuiqiao, "It can't be Shang Wumian, right? A foreigner, the one who saved Lin Kunze some time ago?" Erhua originally came to see, seeing that his father couldn't remember Shang Wumian's name, she felt extremely anxious, Seeing that the matchmaker is right, she nodded to Qi Cuiqiao. Qi Cuizhu understood and went to Chai Meixin in person to say, "Yes, it's her. Matchmaker Chai has also heard of her?" Although Chai Meixin specializes in matchmaking for these eight villages, she is not actually from this village.  

Qi Cuizhu had heard someone say before that Shang Wumian is unmarried but she didn't expect that the information had reached this point. "Not only have I heard of her but recently, I feel like my ears are getting calloused just hearing her name!" Matchmaker Chai said, putting down the tea cup in her hand, picking up the rolled up teacup she just put on the table, Those portraits of the people, indicating to the family to take a look. "Oh, look, there are quite a few people who like Lord Shang Qianyuan. Have you seen these portraits here? They are all those Kunzes who begged me to show it to her." Qi Cuizhu was close and flipped through it casually, There were about five or six portraits, and some of them were even familiar faces in the village, Watching my daughter's face become a little ugly

Qi Cuizhu couldn't help but sigh, and moved closer to Chai Meixin, "Look, can you not show Shang Wumian their portraits, and only keep our daughter's?" As she spoke, she stuffed twenty coins in her hand. Chai Meixin rolled her eyes quickly and pushed back the hand that was handing the money, with a look of embarrassment on her face, "This is not okay. We matchmakers do things based on professional principles." Qi Cuizhu and Yang Dazhuang looked at each other. At first glance they can tell that this is actually a bit too little, The couple communicated silently with their eyes, and finally ended with Yang Dazhuang's helpless nod.  

I can't bear to let the child catch the wolf, It would be a great thing if Erhua could marry a Qianyuan whom she wanted. Qi Cuizhu gritted her teeth and threw away half a piece of broken silver and went out. This time Chai Meixin received the letter very happily, and she smiled when she spoke, "Hey, I can see that Miss Erhua is really moved! Okay, that's not as good as this. These portraits must be given to Shang. There is no doubt that Qianyuan..." Erhua sat opposite and heard this and threw the handkerchief aside unhappily. Qi Cuizhu quickly picked up the handkerchief for her and handed it back to comfort her. At the same time she looked at Matchmaker Chai with some worry. This matchmaker has already accepted their money, so she has to do something, right?  

Chai Meixin saw that the three people in the room were waiting for her last words but she didn't care, "But, if you accidentally get a few ink stains... you can't blame me." The other party said. The hidden meaning is so obvious that Qi Cuizhu quickly asked Yang Dazhuang to get the pen and ink. When Erhua's family sent Matchmaker Chai out, all the portraits she was holding, except Erhua's own one, had been "modified" to a greater or lesser extent. Qi Cuizhu held her daughter's hand and did not forget to tell Matchmaker Chai again: "Matchmaker Chai, this matter will be troublesome to you!"  

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