For the first time in his entire being, JuWon regretted having chosen to leave in Jimin's mind, the truth of the Blue Butterfly, for despite it being the safest place to have ever hidden it, he had thought it had been also the place no one would think to look for. How could he have been wrong? When no one knew, who could have made such a wild guess?

His mind swirled in terror as despair became the palm he was hanging on.


The video glitched momentarily as a man seemed to enter and walked over to the person who was tied on the chair, then removed the bag from the head of the captive, revealing a brown-haired man, whose face you could not see still because of the camera position.

A symphony of muffled screams clawed through the air as the captive, silenced by tape, met the gaze of his tormentor and the man next to him, didn't hesitate to rip that tape off rather abruptly, seemingly unamused by the boy's reaction.

"Dad! Dad! What have you done to him?!!!" Upon hearing the boy's voice, your eyes instantly grew wide as you realized that it was Jimin. His voice had changed a bit now that he was older but it was him.

 "No need for theatrics, young man. Your father and I were merely engaging in a conversation, like old colleagues." The man sneered and another man who was standing in a corner, laughed a bit more, making you notice his existence for the first time.

"Release my son! Release him, I will tell you everything!" The tied man uttered as loudly as he could manage, clarifying in your head, the fact that he was Jimin's father.

"Oh but JuWon, you don't know everything. Your partial truths fooled the polygraph, mere crumbs that led us astray. You've always been a sly fox, undetected until betrayal unmasked you" The man spoke with a slight irritation in his voice as he grabbed a handful of Jimin's hair. 

 "Touch him, and I swear I'll end you!" JuWon threatened between gritted teeth even though he was in no position whatsoever to threaten anyone and laughter erupted, mocking the impotent defiance of a man entrapped.

"Touch him? Oh, you got it all wrong, old friend. He is not the one we are gonna touch." the shadowy accomplice declared then he went ahead and signalled someone which you couldn't see as he wasn't caught on camera, to lower the ropes and, Mr JuWon's body, got lowered but remained tied.

Another man came in after that, pushing a tray with many things on it which you couldn't identify from that distance and the quality of the video, but the man that was at the corner joined him and they each grabbed something small and approached the tied and bloody Mr JuWon.

"Dad?" Jimin's voice quivered, punctuated by a tremor of terror clawing its way up his spine. His small frame squirmed in the suffocating grip of fear, a futile attempt to escape the horrors unfolding before his eyes. "What... What's happening? Why are you doing this to us?" His voice cracked, betraying the turmoil swirling within him.

"We're innocent!" Jimin's anguished cry echoed through but his words fell upon deaf ears, swallowed by the void of indifference that enveloped their tormentors. With callous precision, the men seized Mr. JuWon's exposed flesh, their hands morphing into instruments of unspeakable cruelty.

The sickening sound of tearing flesh mingled with the symphony of Mr. JuWon's screams, each agonized note carving deep scars into Jimin's soul. "Stop! Get away from him!!" His world shattered into a kaleidoscope of horror and disbelief, as no matter how much he was tearing his own flesh, trying to get freed from the ropes that were holding him, he couldn't. He was stuck to bore witness to the grotesque spectacle unfolding before him—the skin of his own father, being tossed to the floor bit by bit, leaving him covered in blood and Jimin unable to face the scene head-on.

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