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Irisa's POV (still at the party)

The child i was holding in my arms fell asleep a .she made me love children even more .

Then i turned and saw Astoria attempting to touch my Draco ,and without a second thought i ran and punched her till she fell 

I covered the child's face so she could not hear ,and gave her to Pansy knelt down to talk to Astoria .

I grabbed her hair and whispered so no one but her could hear , 

"You  fucking bitch i hope you understand  i am not as stupid as you think okay, now listen, Draco is mine and mine alone i love him and anyway he don't love you so kindly get a life and always remember there is more punches came from .Don't underestimate or mess with me or next time or you will die i promise you that Astoria Greengrass .

Now don't say anything about this ,now sleep like a nice bitch or i will kill you ."

The professors came and i looked like i cared "please someone help she fell please ," the professors didn't like her from what i hear from the school so.......they didn't help just asked the older boys to take her to the hospital wing .

i stood and took the child back into my arms and watched the boy take her away ,but wait if you wondering if am the same old Irisa from the beginning yes i am i just threatened  Astoria with killing her cause Draco is mine and only mine so please forgive me but i promise i will kill her if she does that again 

Anyway ,

This child's name is Ela i fell pretty attached to her like a mother .

Draco  stood behind me and looked at Ela "You know she doesn't have parents right ??"

"Wait Draco What did you just say ??"

"i will explain late just enjoy the party and what did you tell astoria ??"

"Ha don't worry i just asking her if she was okay "

"by pulling her hair ??"

"mm.....n...no i didn't i don't know what you are talking about Draco ."the he come closer to my ear  and whispered "will you tell me or should i make you princess ??"

my eyes widened and i said make me cause i knew he could not do anything as long as we were at the party  or Ela was still in my arms.

"Okay you asked for it "oh shit what was he going to do .

"A drink ,"Draco asked handing me a glass ,"Don't think i forgot ,princess "

I was scared but i had to pay attention to Ela ,she was a shy slytherin which was odd but i guess you can ask for the house you want .

I excused myself from the party to take Ela to sleep in my room .I finally put her down and she was sound asleep .

It was getting cold and i had not eaten yet so i went to take a plate of food and went back to my room to also feed the child .

"Honey ,wake up and have some food ."

"Mmh...not now please ,"

"You have to okay then you can stay here with me honey please "

"Okay "

"that's my good girl " she sat up and i fed her thinking about what Draco said and really wanted to ask her about it .

"Dear can I ask you something about your p...parents?"

"I don't have parents "she answered but she looked down sobbing.

"I don't have a mummy she died "i told her hugging her .

"Sorry I asked ."

"you don't need to say sorry i should be the one saying sorry because i made you get out of your own party for me "

"Don't say sorry i will do anything for you Don't worry about the party it will end soon anyway ,know you need to sleep and i will come back with clothes for you "i stood and took the picture she drew and hung it next to my bed ,she had told me that the picture was of me, her and Draco which made me love her and the picture even more.

"Okay see you later "

"Bye "

I walked down the hall way to the great hall were people didn't seem to be tired of partying ,then i saw me friends standing around a sad Draco i walked towards them and gave Draco a kiss on the cheek .

"Irisa "

"princess where were you ??"Draco asked pulling me into a hug .

"i was with Ela the little child i had taken food for her cause she was sleeping sorry i didn't mean to stress you out ."

"No you didn't it's okay "

"Uhhh no it is not okay he almost killed us for his princess "Pansy said "Am sorry i left all of you without telling you were i was going "

"no need to apologies to us we were only joking but he really missed you "

"Oh really "I said turning to look at Draco's red face ,"Don't oh really me remember you still haven't told me what you told Astoria ."my eyes widened and i felt wet between my legs .

"Guys can i steal Draco please "

"Yeah sure his all your "

i dragged him out and he stopped me and pinned me to the wall "Now will you tell me ?"I shook my head "okay I gave you the chance to tell me "

He slid his hand though the opening on the side of my dress and started touching my butt .For fuck sake why did i want him to do that "mmh "ooops i moaned clearly enjoying it ..I looked down.

"Okay it tell you ......i told her to stay away from you and you are ........."i lowered my voice to sound like whisper "for me and for me alone .

"mh  princess for you alone okay ."My face flashed red as he lifted my face to look at him and he kissed me ,and a long kiss like a .......i don't even know what to say .

He pulled away and added "yeah ,i am yours and yours alone princess "then my mind snapped back to reality after another kiss ,"i need you help love ??"

Why i hate my past ~~D.MDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora